PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Templates

version 12.1.x   Download Pending



This article is intended for On-Premises & Cloud customers. You must have permission on your user profile to view this section of PSIsafe Management if not logged in as the Administrator.


This article is intended for PSIsafe Administrators or PSIsafe Users with Administrator training and Management access permissions.



When filing content to PSIsafe, Templates are used to help quickly organize the incoming files according to set parameters, and can assist with the indexing and searchability of filed content. The following is a screenshot of the PSIsafe Management Templates homepage:




It's important to note the following: Content Managers and Security Classes must be pre-configured to allow creation of Templates. Please follow the guides below before proceeding:

PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Content Managers

PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Security Classes


Understanding Templates

The template determines the following parameters for documents:

  • Document Description
  • Document Security
  • Document Retention Policy
  • Create/Modify Date
  • Document Versioning
  • Document Types to be filed (DOCX, XLSX, PDF, TIFF, etc.)
  • Which document master template to use, and what automated processes the document takes after creation (workflow, email, printing, external saving, custom application).
  • Document Sets (see Document Sets and Template Eligibility section below)

The following screenshot is an example of how a configured template will appear in the PSIsafe Filer Window when importing a document:



Configuring Templates in PSIsafe Management

Step 1: Details

From the main Management screen, click on Document Settings>Templates. Selecting Add or Edit displays the screen below.

  1. Choose Add to add a new template.
  2. Choose Edit to change an existing template.
  3. Choose Delete to delete the selected Template.

Name - Enter a Name for the document template in the name field.

Security - Select the document Security level to apply from the drop down list. This list will display the document classes defined in the Classes section of document settings (see PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Security Classes)

Retention - Select a Retention policy to apply to the document template from the drop down list. This list will display the document retention policies defined in the Classes section of document settings (see PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Security Classes).

Enable Versioning - Select the Enable Versioning check box if you would like a new document version to be created every time the document is edited. This is known as Template based Versioning.

Disable OCR (For PDF) - This setting will disable an OCR performed at the time of filing, which stores that OCR data alongside the rest of the metadata and references it in the Full Text Search feature of PSIsafe, allowing users to search for content within the document in the Search interface.




Restrictions - Restrictions allow templates to be designated for specific Repositories, Cabinets, Tabs, Groups, or Users. Make sure to add at least one Repository, Cabinet, Tab, User Group, or User to the Restrictions list to ensure that it appears when attempting to file content via Filer. Checking the box "Show Restricted templates" within the Filer window will open up all templates that have otherwise been restricted to these variables. Keep in mind that more than one restriction may be chosen, and the restriction may be removed.


For a detailed breakdown of the newest updated to Restrictions in PSIsafe, see:

PSIsafe Template Restrictions Updates


Click Next to proceed when complete.

Step 2: Associating Managers, Extensions, & Forms
  • Select the document managers to which the defined template will apply. A manager for each document type to be filed using this template should be selected, i.e. If the document being filed with this template will be created as a PDF, MS Word, or Excel, select Adobe, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel from the list of Available Managers.
  • After selecting the required managers, click the add button in Step 1 to add the managers to the Associated Managers box. A file extension for each manager must be selected in Step 2.
    • Note: Using the CTRL or SHIFT key allows multiple selections of managers. CTRL allows pick from list and SHIFT allows selection of list.

For more information configuring Content Managers and their associated extensions, see:

PSIsafe Administrator Guide: Content Managers




Creating a Template with No File - For Filing Only

  1. Highlight a manager from the Associated Managers box. Click the Add button in Step 2.
  2. Select the extension this template will manage and then click OK.
  3. Next, click "Add" to add the extension, and do not proceed to adding a file via "Pick". You should see a "File Exists?" section with "No" before proceeding.
    1. pdfno.png
  4. NOTE: Multiple Extensions can be Added if they are properly associated with the chosen Manager.
  5. The file association process is complete. You can now move on to the next step. This template will not have an associated file and only appear on the Filer dialog when importing existing documents. It will not appear on the "New" selection list when creating a new document.
  6. Click the Next button to proceed.


Creating a Template with a Non-Fillable Document

  1. Highlight a manager from the Associated Managers box. Click the Add button in Step 2.
  2. Select the extension this template will manage and then click OK.
  3. Next, click "Add" to add the extension, and proceed to adding a corresponding filetype to your chosen extension via "Pick". You should see a "File Exists?" section with "Yes" before proceeding.
    1. pick1.png
  4. NOTE: Multiple Extensions can be Added if they are properly associated with the chosen Manager.
  5. The file association process is complete. You can now move on to the next step. This template will have the picked file associated with the profile, and when selecting "New", the picked file will be used. However, this file will not have any fillable elements, and is not eligible for Folder Index Field Form Linking.
  6. Click the Next button to proceed.


Creating a Template with a PDF Form

For more information on creating a template with a PDF form, see:

PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Templates: PDF Forms


Creating a Template with a Word Merge DOCX Form

For more information on creating a template with a Word Merge DOCX form, see:

PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Templates: Word Merge DOCX Forms


Step 3: Document Indexes (Records)

This section of PSIsafe Management was previously called "Naming Segments" and covered the ability for PSIsafe to generate a title for the filed content based on preset parameters. In PSIsafe 12, with the introduction of Document-level indexes, Naming Segments are now generated based on previous criteria, with some new additions. Explore the list of options below to discover what best suits your needs.




Column Titles

Index Name - Label the index field with a name, which will be viewable in the Filer window to the left of the fillable field area, as in the highlighted area in the screenshot below:




Data Type - The type of field to which the input data should conform. Here is a breakdown of each Data Type:

  • Text - Text fields may contain up to 255 characters and can contain any letters, numbers, or symbols.
  • Integer - Integer fields can contain up to thirty (30) numbers within the field.
  • Currency - Currency fields contain monetary values for financial purposes. PSIsafe currently supports the dollar sign ($). 
  • Date - Date fields have dropdown Date Picker interfaces and conform to the date formatting of your choice.
  • Boolean (Checkbox) - Boolean fields are designed to create true/false statements that can be indicated with a checkbox. For example, one could indicate whether a certain variable applies to that document, in the example above, whether a tax formula had been applied or not.
  • Decimal - Decimal fields can contain decimal values up to thirty (30) decimal places beyond the whole number.
  • Memo - Memo fields are larger text-entry fields that allow for more information to be written in memo style.
  • AutoNumber - AutoNumber is a new data type to PSIsafe 12. The AutoNumber data type is an automatically generated number based on the number of filed document records with this specific template. There are a few scenarios where sequential tracking of the number of documents is a valid data type that should be automatically populated. For example, to keep track of the number of tickets related to a specific subject, or in a customer service or help desk scenario, or to keep track of the number of filed documents of a specific type. The AutoNumber will always be updated on successful filing of content, so in some circumstances, it could change midway through the filing process. This happens if the filer is open, and another item is filed by a secondary user before the primary user completes the filing process. In this case the system will prompt the user in one of two ways. These prompts will only occur if an AutoNumber is actually used in the title.
    • If "Enable Updating" is checked a new title is generated and saved to the database. The user is informed of the change showing both the old and new titles.

    • If "Enable Updating" is unchecked, the system cannot automatically generate the new title. The user is presented with a dialog, telling them what the change in AutoNumber was, and allows them to update their title if they need to.

Default Value - Set a default value that will always appear in this field when filing content. For example, you could enter a value that will remain in the field unless manually changed, or enter a prompt for the user to enter a specific value (e.g. enter name here, enter ID number here, etc.)
There are a number of predefined segments – select any of the provided definitions including, dates, PSIsafe user names, or PSIsafe folder indexes. Using folder indexes is a quick way to fill out relevant information based on the location where it's being filed.

Format - Set a format for the values input into this field. Formats are used to provide a mask, so data is entered in a uniform manner (such as ID numbers, Phone Numbers, etc.) For example, Date Fields can be formatted to be YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-DD-MM, and so on.

Required - Indicate with an Asterisk (*) that the field is required. This field must be filled out to complete the record entry in the Filer window.

Unique - Indicate that this field is unique, and the value will not be repeated.

Index Level - This feature is new to PSIsafe 12, and allows users to specify whether their multiple records across a document should apply an Index level as Document or Line Item:

  • Line Item -  Line Item index items work exactly as before. They are prompted on every line during filing and can be changed at will     
  • Document - Document index items are “shared” across an entire document. When filing only the first document index line can be edited. Any changes made to line 1 Document Indexes are reflected in all subsequent lines. Indexes from line 2 on show the values, but are disabled from editing.

Sticky - This feature is new to PSIsafe 12. This option allows users to specify field that will hold a value in place (sticky) between filing one piece of content to the next. The value remains in place for each subsequent content import to reduce the amount of redundant data entry required during the filing process. 

Tab Skip - When the user is filing content in the Filer window, this field will be skipped when "tabbing" via the Tab button from field to field. The Tab Skip check box is used to skip the associated segment when entering information on the Filer window. This is useful if the segment is automatically populated and needs no further user intervention. Using the tab key will cause this field to be skipped. This speeds up data entry.

Pick List - Pick lists allow users to pick from a premade list of options, or manually input information as needed. This feature is a powerful option for expediting your filing process. The Pick List screen, initiated by selecting the ellipses "..." button on the right side of the screen for a text field, has a few options:




  • Allow Clients to manually update the list - This option allows users to manually type in a field as well as select a potential option from the dropdown list.
  • Add/Edit/Delete - Add a new item to the list, highlight and edit an existing item, or delete an item.
  • Sort - Sort by item names, ascending. This allows you to quickly organize a list alphabetically.
  • Up/Down - Move an item up or down on the list.
  • Import/Export - Import a CSV spreadsheet or TXT document containing a list of items. Exported lists will be created as CSV spreadsheets.
Document Title Editor

Document titles can have an affect on how content is viewed within your PSIsafe document list. It's important that the PSIsafe administrator discusses with the team the most high-priority elements of titles and determines how best to organize them by default. Checking the box "Enable Automatic Updating from Index Values" during the filing process will create a title automatically based on Index fields and your customized title segments on this screen:




Note: Add brackets {} around value if you want it as a prompt and do not want it to show up in the title.

Add Label & Value - Adds the label designated in the label field to the Document Title, as well as the value that will be input by the user during the filing process, or automatically entered (if applicable).

Add Value - Adds only the value that will be input by the user during the filing process, or automatically entered (if applicable).

Clear - Clear all used elements of the Document Title editor to a blank state.

Title is read-only - Title cannot be edited by the user during the filing process. This option should only be used if the created title is consistent and will not need editing by the user filing the content. This option can be changed if the template is re-selected after unchecking this box within the template configuration.

NOTE: This box needs to be checked in order for Automatic Titling to be enforced.

NOTE: When the "Enable Automatic Title updating from Index Values" is selected in conjunction with this setting, the title of a imported document can ONLY be updated via index values (Document Records), as seen in the following screenshot, where the title field is greyed out:




Use this combination of settings carefully as it can yield undesired results if users wish to create completely custom titles. 


For more information, see:

PSIsafe Document Titles FAQ


Completed Template Details

Completed Document Template

Title is read only – if selected will not allow a change to the document title by staff–may be changed if the document template is chosen and entered again.

If there is a label that appears in the document title and the field is required, the label will not show up in the entry box, however, will show up in the Document Title.



Document Template brought into PSIsafe – asterisks (*) indicates required field. Templates can also be restricted to specific tabs within the initial configuration steps.




For more information on understanding the Filer window, see the PSIsafe User Guide: Capture/Import via Filer article.


Post-Template Creation Functions and Features:

Document Sets and Template Eligibility

Templates used for Document Sets and Batch Templates must meet specific criteria and can be
analyzed using the Check Validity button in Management. Select the desired Template and desired
circle (Batch or Document Set), and then click the Check Validity button.

  • Templates used as a Batch Template are validated after selecting a User.
  • Templates used as a Document Set are validated after selecting a Cabinet.
    If a Template is not valid, a list of criteria is displayed. If the Template is valid, a confirmation
    message is displayed.

For more information on creating Document Sets, see:

PSIsafe Administrator Guide: Document Sets

For more information on Batch Templates, see:

PSIsafe Administrator Guide: Capture/Import via Batch Capture


Edit List

Management in the Naming Template segments. In the Edit List Box, may Alphabetize, Add,
Delete, Edit, move list up and down and import and export. If you want to change an item click on
edit, will pull the edited item into the enter text box and the change may be made, hit enter and
the item goes back to the item list.

Post Creation - Workflow and Export options

To send the document into Workflow, when created, check the workflow enabled checkbox, select a user, group or rule, and then select the destination in the Send to: browse list. Comments to be sent with every document using this template may be entered in the remarks box.

NOTE: Notification in “Settings” for emails must be set up. Email works only if notifications are configured in System>Settings. For more information on System Settings, see this article.





Email - If Email is checked, the content will be emailed. Once again, in order to use the email function, the notifications function must be configured In Management>System>Settings.

Post Creation Email Options



  • Post Creation emails can have the Subject and Body automatically populated by entering a default Subject and Body text in the document template. Entered text and any folder index or the document’s file name can be applied to the Subject and/or Body of the email.
  • To include a folder index use <Idx#>, where # is the index number.
  • To include the file name use <fn> anywhere in the field.
  • Option to send email without attachment: In some cases, attaching a document is not desired. This is accommodated by checking the “Send Email Without Attachment” box.

Print - You also have the option to print documents post-filing

Hard Disk - This option allows the user to save a copy of the content after the filing process is complete to an accessible storage location. In some workflows, further archiving/storage in other platforms or locations may be necessary, so check this box and further specify a location, or leave it blank to allow the user to browse to a location.

Click Next to proceed to the summary page.


After reviewing the summary of the naming template, or click the Finish button to save the new or edited template, or click the Cancel button to abandon the changes to the template. The Previous button lets you move back through the template settings to make changes, if necessary.
More information is available in the workflow manual.

Advanced Template Functions

Using the Advanced button at the bottom of the screen, you may set Restriction, Security, Retention, and Refresh Naming Templates to a selected number of templates at one time.


Keywords: PSIsafe Management Key Concepts, How to create Naming Templates, How to edit Naming Templates

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