PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Folder Export Migration Configuration

version 7.9.x   Download Pending


This article includes advanced Administrator areas for PSIcapture as well as the Windows AD or system policy permissions to the appropriate storage location(s).


This article is meant for PSIcapture Administrators.




The Folder Export Migration allows users to migrate content from PSIcapture to a folder storage location, with a wide variety of configuration options. Below is a breakdown of configuration options available in this migration, and how to link those elements to your folder export configuration.


Folder Export General Options




Image File Options

Migrate Image Files

Select Migrate Image Files to output the tiff files.

Image Source

Select the Image Source:

  • Main Image – Image you see within the capture viewer
  • Original Image – Only available if option on step 2 of 9 is selected (this image is not modified by Image Processing)
  • Alternate Images – Alternate images can be created at various times during the workflow (IE Image Processing: Crop)

Storage Location

Select Storage Location by choosing a pre-defined location or configuring a new one.

Image Output Type

Select the Image Output Type: Multi-Page Tiff Image, Single Page Tiff Images, Single Page JPEG Images, Single Page BMP Images, Single Page GIF Images, Single Page PNG Images, Multi-Page PDF (Image Only), or Single Page PDFs (Image Only).

JPEG Quality

The default is 75 and is a good blend between quality and size. Raising the number will increase size and may increase the quality of the file. This setting affects Color, Grayscale and JPEG files only.

Tags to Output

When Alternate Images are selected as the Image Source, user can specify the image tag here. Only alternate images with the matching tag will be outputted.

NOTE: Separate multiple tags using commas.

Alt. Page Behavior

Select Alt. Page Behavior: One Document with all tags, or One Document with each tag.


OCR and Extended File Format File Options

Migrate OCR Files

Select Migrate OCR Files to output the OCR files. This is for a files created in the OCR module.

Storage Location

Select Storage Location by choosing a pre-defined location or configuring a new one.

OCR Files to Migrate

Select OCR Files To Migrate: All OCR Files for Document, Single OCR File by workflow position, or OCR Files by file tags.

OCR File Tags to Output

Select OCR File Tags to Output: When OCR Files by file tags are selected, only files with matching image tags will be outputted. NOTE: Separate multiple tags using commas.


Shared File Options

File Directory Structure

Select the desired directory structure from the following options:

  • All Files in Storage Location
  • All Files in Storage Location\Batch Folder
  • Output File in Storage Location; Document files in Storage Location\Batch Folder
  • Output File in Storage Location; Document files in Storage Location\Batch Folder\Capture Folder

Duplicate Image/OCR File Behavior

When the program detects that it is about to create a duplicate Image/OCR file the user can select from the following behavior options:

  • Increment duplicate names (e.g.: 000001.tif, 000001_1.tif, 000001_2.tif)
  • Overwrite existing file
  • Use existing file
  • Stop Migrating


Single Page Output Options

Storage Option

Select storage options that best suit your business needs.

Naming Option

Select format by which the files are named.


Advanced Migration Settings




Trigger File Options

Create Trigger File

Creates a trigger file for use as a separation trigger or otherwise useable trigger file.

Trigger File Naming

Choose from Batch Date, Batch Number, or Batch Create Date, or Fixed Name as suits your business needs.

Trigger Fixed File Name

Specify the Fixed File Name if you chose the "Fixed Name" option above.

Trigger File Extension

Specify the Extension of the trigger file.


External Application Options

The user may wish to execute another windows application as a part of this migration. In order to accomplish this, the user must configure the following:


Application to Launch

Select the windows executable to launch.

Application Arguments

Supply any command line arguments, if any. These are supplied by the executable’ developer.

Launch Timing

The user can choose between the following timing options to launch the executable:

  • Launch application after each Batch is migrated
  • Launch application after all selected Batches are migrated

Wait for Application to Complete - PSIcapture will wait for the application to complete its process before continuing the workflow. 

  • Maximum Time (in Minutes) - This specifies how long PSIcapture will wait for the given process above to complete before proceeding with the workflow.

Custom File Naming




File naming tabs have a universal interface. The example shown here is the Custom File Naming tab. It supports the use of system and index data to name the files that are being migrated to the folder. For example, the Client, Platform, Batch_Number, and Load_Date as index fields could be concatenated to create a naming pattern for the migrated files.

These settings apply to custom files migrated.

File Extension is available with the Text migration settings. Users can add a custom file name.


Single Page File Naming




File naming tabs have a universal interface. The example shown here is the Single Page File Naming tab. It supports the use of system and index data to name the files that are being migrated to the folder. For example, the Client, Platform, Batch_Number, and Load_Date as index fields could be concatenated to create a naming pattern for the migrated files.

These settings apply to single page custom files migrated.

File Extension is available with the Text migration settings. Users can add a custom file name.


Folder Design




The folder design tab supports the use of system and index data in naming of the folders that are being migrated to the target system.

Folder Design should be constructed initially by the system Administrator, and then that same design can be customized here to match your Windows organization scheme.

NOTE: If a folder of the same value already exists nothing is done.






Bates Stamping Options

Bates Stamping is a legal industry standard for organizing and numbering multi-page legal documents. PSIcapture provides two methodologies for applying Bates Stamping: Capture Bates Stamping and Migration Bates Stamping. Capture based stamping applies Bates Stamps during the initial capture phase of a workflow. Migration based stamping applies Bates Stamps in the Migration phase of a workflow, which is typically the final phase.

See PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Bates Stamping


Imaging Processing Options

Select Enable Image Processing and then specify the image processing functions to run.

NOTE: The Enable Image Processing affects ONLY images files and not OCR. This feature is intended to be used when the desired images being migrated need a particular function run on them like Despeckle when the user has scanned in color and wishes a second output stream of Black and White images.

See PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Image Processing


Image Tag Output

See PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Image Tag Output


Output Options

Remove specified page from Migration Output: Page to remove from Output

A specified page from each document will be omitted from the output. NOTE: The Remove Page from Output affects ONLY images files and not OCR. This feature is intended to be used when the desired page to be removed is NOT a Folder or Document Separator. OCR is handled in the OCR Workflow Configuration section of this manual.

Remove last page from Migration Output

The last page from each document will be omitted from the output.

Include Folder Separators in Output

If data is included on the Folder Separator which is important to the user during Quality Assurance or Index but is NOT desired to be left in the output viewed by the end user; de-selecting this option will remove the Folder Separator sheet before outputting the file.

Include Document Separators in Output

If data is included on the Document Separator which is important to the user during Quality Assurance or Index but is NOT desired to be left in the output viewed by the end user; de-selecting this option will remove the Document Separator sheet before outputting the file.

Do not output items marked with Skip flag

Items marked with the Skip flag will be omitted from the output.

NOTE: The Keep/Remove Separators defined in migrations affects ONLY images files and not OCR. OCR is handled in the OCR Workflow Configuration section of this manual.


Document Filtering




Document Filtering allows you to only output documents which contain a Regular Expression match within the selected index field(s). This is commonly used when creating multiple migrations within a single workflow where you want an index field to direct documents to the desired migration.
NOTE: This feature requires Advanced Data Extraction (ADE) license.
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