PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Kofax PSIsafe Direct (Legacy) Migration Configuration

version 7.9.x   Download Pending


This article includes advanced Administrator areas for PSIcapture as well as Kofax PSIsafe.


This article is meant for PSIcapture Administrators.




The Kofax PSIsafe Direct Migration allows users to migrate content from Kofax PSIcapture to Kofax PSIsafe after running it through a given workflow. Users can extract and correlate index information, and then push that data to Folder Indexes. For expanded functionality and compatibility with Kofax PSIsafe 12.1 and later, see:


PSIcapture Administrator Guide: PSIGEN Affinity Direct Migration (PSIsafe 12.1+)


 Important Note

As of PSIcapture 7.9, the Kofax PSIsafe Direct (Legacy) Migration only works with PSIsafe v. 11.3. If you are using a legacy version of PSIsafe older than v. 11.3, you must use an older version of PSIcapture than 7.7 to use the Kofax PSIsafe Direct migration for your installation.


Kofax PSIsafe Direct (Legacy) Migration General Options




PSIsafe Connection Options

Server Address

Enter the machine name or IP address where PSIsafe server is located.

Advanced Button

  • Server Channel
    Select HTTP or TCP. Verify with your IT Admin to determine which protocol is being employed or allowed through your local firewall.
  • Server Remoting Port
    Enter the Cabinet Server’s remoting port number. This port number remains consistent unless changed.
  • Server TCP Socket Port
    Enter the Cabinet Server’s TCP Socket port number. This port number remains consistent unless changed.

Connect to

Enter the PSIsafe database alias to connect to. This matches the "Connect to" field in the PSIsafe Desktop Client Login screen.

Customer Code

Enter the customer code associated with your PSIsafe deployment. This code will only be entered for Cloud Customers. For On-Premise installations, this should be left as "default".

Username and Password

Enter the username and password with the correct permissions and click "Test Connection" to auto populate the fields under PSIsafe Options.



PSIsafe Options


Select the desired Repository. "From Index Field when migrating" allows users to configure an index field that matches an existing PSIsafe Repository to place the content.


Select the desired Cabinet. "From Index Field when migrating" allows users to configure an index field that matches an existing PSIsafe Cabinet to place the content.

Create new folder if no existing folder...

Selecting this will create a new folder in the selected cabinet if the data value in the selected field does not match an existing folder.

Update index fields on existing Folders

As described this gives users the option to update index fields on existing folders. Do not check this the user wishes to retain current index fields.

Folder Security Class

Users can choose the folder security class based on existing classes within PSIsafe or index fields configured in the Indexing section of the current Capture Profile.

Document Security Class

Users can choose the document security class based on existing classes within PSIsafe or index fields configured in the Indexing section of the current Capture Profile.

Retention Class

Users can choose the retention class based on existing classes within PSIsafe or index fields configured in the Indexing section of the current Capture Profile.


Users can choose what tab the documents go in based on existing tabs within a PSIsafe cabinet or index fields configured in the Indexing section of the current Capture Profile.



Output File Options

Output File Format

Choose from the following:

  • Migrate Tiff Images
  • Migrate OCR Documents or Non-Image Files

Document Manager

Select the Document Manager to be used with this type of document (i.e., Microsoft Word, Adobe, Acrobat, Outlook, etc.).


Select the file extension associated with the Document Manager chosen.



OCR and Non-Image File Options

Files To Migrate

Select from 

  • All OCR Files for Document
  • Single OCR File by Workflow position
  • OCR Files by file tags
  • Non-Image source file

Tags to Output

When OCR Files by file tags is selected, only files with matching image tags will be outputted. NOTE: Separate multiple tags using commas.

Folder Security Options

  • Select from Existing defined Folder Security
  • Select From Index Field

Document Security Options

  • Select from Existing defined Document Security
  • Select From Index Field

Tab Options

  • Select from Existing defined Tab option.
  • Select From Index Field

Retention Options

  • Select from Existing defined Retention setting.
  • Select From Index Field



Advanced Tab




Document Routing Options

Enable Routing

Choose from the following options:

  • Route by User
  • Route by Rule

Each routing option allows users to:

  • Select From Existing - If there are any existing rules they should be listed here.
  • From Index Field - List of Index Fields created in the document type.

Workflow note index field

Users can select a index field from the document or system to add as a note in the PSIsafe workflow.


Document Linking/Attachment Field Options

Document Linking/Attachment Field

Select the desired document or system index field.

Match using Field

Map the folder using the selected index field.

Having a Value of

Enter a custom value to match.

Add to Parent Document

This option allows the user to add the document to a parent document and match it via an document or system index field.



PSIsafe Folder Indexes Tab




In this section users can choose which Capture Profile index fields get mapped to existing PSIsafe Folder Indexes for the selected cabinet. Users can choose to:

  • Migrate All selected data fields
  • Migrate only data fields for the Document Record Type.



Document Title Tab




Standard Title naming scheme applies. Add fields and constants to determine the incoming content's title.




Keywords Tab




Standard Keywords logic applies. Choose specific fields to be migrated as fields and constants that appear as keywords in the PSIsafe Client when browsing the content.



Pre-Processing Tab




Bates Stamping Options

Bates Stamping is a legal industry standard for organizing and numbering multi-page legal documents. PSIcapture provides two methodologies for applying Bates Stamping: Capture Bates Stamping and Migration Bates Stamping. Capture based stamping applies Bates Stamps during the initial capture phase of a workflow. Migration based stamping applies Bates Stamps in the Migration phase of a workflow, which is typically the final phase.

See PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Bates Stamping


Imaging Processing Options

Select Enable Image Processing and then specify the image processing functions to run.

NOTE: The Enable Image Processing affects ONLY images files and not OCR. This feature is intended to be used when the desired images being migrated need a particular function run on them like Despeckle when the user has scanned in color and wishes a second output stream of Black and White images.

See PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Image Processing


Image Tag Output

See PSIcapture Administrator Guide: Image Tag Output


Output Options

Remove specified page from Migration Output: Page to remove from Output

A specified page from each document will be omitted from the output. NOTE: The Remove Page from Output affects ONLY images files and not OCR. This feature is intended to be used when the desired page to be removed is NOT a Folder or Document Separator. OCR is handled in the OCR Workflow Configuration section of this manual.

Remove last page from Migration Output

The last page from each document will be omitted from the output.

Include Folder Separators in Output

If data is included on the Folder Separator which is important to the user during Quality Assurance or Index but is NOT desired to be left in the output viewed by the end user; de-selecting this option will remove the Folder Separator sheet before outputting the file.

Include Document Separators in Output

If data is included on the Document Separator which is important to the user during Quality Assurance or Index but is NOT desired to be left in the output viewed by the end user; de-selecting this option will remove the Document Separator sheet before outputting the file.

Do not output items marked with Skip flag

Items marked with the Skip flag will be omitted from the output.

NOTE: The Keep/Remove Separators defined in migrations affects ONLY images files and not OCR. OCR is handled in the OCR Workflow Configuration section of this manual.



Post-Processing Tab




External Application Options

The user may wish to execute another windows application as a part of this migration. In order to accomplish this, the user must configure the following:

Application to Launch

Select the windows executable to launch.

Application Arguments

Supply any command line arguments, if any. These are supplied by the executable’ developer.

Launch Timing

The user can choose between the following timing options to launch the executable:

  • Launch application after each Batch is migrated
  • Launch application after all selected Batches are migrated



Document Filtering Tab




Document filtering, as with all other PSIcapture Migrations, allows users to filter in/out specific documents based on whether filters match or not. Filters can be applied to process documents that match a single filter, or only documents that match all filters, and this filter type can be adjusted with the bottom drop-down menu.



Keywords: PSIcapture PSIsafe Direct Migration, PSIsafe PSIcapture Migration, PSIsafe Migration in PSIcapture, How to Migrate to PSIsafe from PSIcapture

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