PSIcapture Administrator Guide: General Migration Configuration


The configuration window for each type of migration varies differently per migration type. Serverless migrations will obviously not feature connection or security options, and direct migrations may not feature some of the more simple options that flat migrations do because they would be redundant. However, some of the migration settings are very similar regardless of which type of migration is being used. Each is listed here for convenience. Note that some migrations may feature areas for these settings, but they may appear slightly different, or with fewer options; these will be enumerated specifically on each individual migration's page.

General Section

The following items appear frequently in one or more variations as shown below based on the product or generic migration being configured

Output File Options

Migrations that produce a secondary output data file (other than page images or OCR output) feature a settings group as follows:

Fig. 1: Output File Options Group
Storage LocationAllows selection of a storage location for the output file, or addition of a new storage location through the Add button; see Storage Tab for more details.
Output file naming

A list for the naming method by which the output file should be created:

  • Batch Name: The output file has the value of the batch name.
  • Batch Number: The output file has the value of the batch number (see Batch Manager Tab).
  • Batch Create Date: The output file has the value of the batch date/time stamp.
  • Fixed Name: The name will be a static value as defined in the field below.
Output fixed file name

The value for the file name if "Fixed Name" is selected above.

Output file write mode

An indicator for what will happen to the output file if it is found to already exist at the target Storage Location.

  • Overwrite Output File: Output file is deleted and replaced.
  • Append Output File: Output file is moved to the last position in the file, and data is inserted from there.

Document path output

A method by which the output file should be placed in the Storage Location:

  • Absolute Paths: The output file should be placed relative to the drive's root directory
  • Relative Paths: The output file should be placed relative to the Storage Location
Volume nameName of the system volume.
File delimiterThe character value by which units of data are separated: period, pipe, colon, <TAB> characters, or <SPACE> characters
Text qualifierThe character value by which index values (versus index names) should be determined.
Data file extensionOutput file extension (default: csv).
  • Include field header
The header names for each field will be written.
  • Output image index field to data file
Image index field data will be written to the file.
  • Output OCR text
OCR text will be written to the file.

Image File Options

Migrations that export scanned document pages (or copies of them) to a target storage location feature a settings group as follows:

Fig. 2: Image File Options Group
Migrate image filesEnables image file migration, activates all settings below.
Storage LocationAllows selection of a storage location for the output file, or addition of a new storage location through the Add button; see Storage Tab for more details.
Image source

Determines which page image should be migrated:

  • Main Image: The scanned page image as imported by the Capture/Import Module.
  • Original Image: The original image file itself; note that this will only apply if the correct Image File Options are enabled.
  • Alternate Image: The images created as a result of Image Processing and other options.
Image output typeThe filetype of the migrated image: Multi/Single Page TIFF, JPEG, JPEG2000, GIF, BMP, PNG, Multi/Single Page PDF
JPEG qualityThe compression used when rasterizing the image data, 0 being lowest quality and file size, 100 being highest quality and file size.
Tags to outputAlternate image tags to be exported.
Alternate page behaviorAlternate page migration method: either One document with all tags or One document for each tag.

OCR and Non-Image File Options

Migrations that export OCR output or non-image files imported as part of a batch feature a settings group as follows:

Fig. 3: OCR and Non-Image File Options Group
Migrate OCR or non-image filesEnables OCR file migration, activates all settings below.
Storage LocationAllows selection of a storage location for the output file, or addition of a new storage location through the Add button; see Storage Tab for more details.
Files to migrate

Determines which files should be migrated:

  • All OCR files for Document
  • Single OCR file by Workflow position
  • OCR Files by file tags
  • Extended File Format source file

*NOTE: Non-Image file was changed to Extended File Format for versions 7.1 and above.

OCR workflow step positionA specification of which output to consider when multiple OCR steps exist.

Advanced Settings Tab

NOTE: The Advanced Migration settings page may have more or less options depending on your specific Migration selection.

Single Page Output Options

Single page output options are only used if single page output is selected in image file options.

Storage Option

Select to output image files “In Document Name subfolder within Document output location” or just “In Document output location”.

Naming Option

Select format by which the files are named.

Shared File Options

File Directory Structure

Select the desired directory structure from the following options:

  • All Files in Storage Location
  • All Files in Storage Location\Batch Folder
  • Output File in Storage Location; Document files in Storage Location\Batch Folder
  • Output File in Storage Location; Document files in Storage Location\Batch Folder\Capture Folder
Duplicate Image/OCR File Behavior

When the program detects that it is about to create a duplicate Image/OCR file the user can select from the following behavior options:

  • Increment duplicate names (e.g.: 000001.tif, 000001_1.tif, 000001_2.tif)
  • Overwrite existing file
  • Use existing file
  • Stop Migrating

External Application Options

Use the external application options to launch an executable outside of PSIcapture once the migration completes.

  • Application - Specify the fully-qualified path and name of the executable. Note: Do not place quotes around the Application entry, even if the directory or file name contains spaces.
  • Arguments - Supply any arguments that are required for the executable to run properly. If the executable requires quotes around certain argument values, they must be specified. To build dynamic argument strings based on batch-level index field values, press the Build button. Type in whatever constant values are required, and use the Index Fields drop-down box to select and insert placeholders for the desired index fields.
  • Launch timing - Specify when the application should be launched, either after each batch migrates or after all selected batches have migrated.

Check the Wait for application to complete box to prevent the migration step from closing until after the external application completes.

Use the Maximum wait time option to specify how many minutes the migration workflow step will wait for the external application to complete.

Field Settings Tab

The Field Settings tab provides a tool to map index values from the capture process to index or metadata fields in the target content management system. The Field Name column represents the index field name defined for this Document Type, while the Linked Field Name column represents the index field name in the target system. The Output Format supports Text Field Masking (see Text Field Masking in the Appendix of this manual). To Include a field to be migrated select the corresponding box. NOTE: If there are fields that do not match fields in the dropdown list they will be highlighted yellow.

Custom File Naming

  • Document Title Naming

  • Document Naming

  • Document Description

Many of these tabs are configured the same way. Example shown here is the Custom File Naming tab. It supports the use of system and index data to name the files that are being migrated to the target system. In the example below, the PO #, underscore, BatchID, and DocumentID are being concatenated to create a naming pattern for the migrated files in the target system.

File Extension is available with the Text migration settings. Users can add a custom file name.

The Current Pattern displays the configured design and applies to all selected file output types.

Single Page File Naming Tab

Many of these tabs are configured the same way. Example shown here is the Single Page File Naming tab. It supports the use of system and index data to name the files that are being migrated to the target system. In the example below, the PO #, underscore, BatchID, and DocumentID are being concatenated to create a naming pattern for the migrated files in the target system.

File Extension is available with the Text migration settings. Users can add a custom file name.

The Current Pattern displays the configured design and applies to all selected file output types.

Folder Design Tab

The folder design tab supports the use of system and index data in naming of the folders that are being migrated to the target system. In the example below, the year portion of the ‘PO Date‘ index value is used to create a folder and then the ‘Vendor Name’ index value is being used to name and create a subfolder below that. NOTE: If a folder of the same value already exists nothing is done.

Select New Folder and then highlight a Field Name and select Add Field to label the Folder on the right side. Once selecting the field the Field Mask Options dialog box will appear. Click OK to use the entire contents of the field or use the Text Field Masking (see text field masking in the appendix of this manual). NOTE: For Date fields, if no mask is specified format will be ‘ MM-did-ivy’.

Highlighting a Folder and then Field Name and selecting Add Field on more than one Field will cause a concatenated folder name. i.e.<PO Date><Vendor Name>


Bates Stamping Options

Bates Stamping is a legal industry standard for organizing and numbering multi-page legal documents. The program provides two methodologies for applying Bates Stamping: Capture Bates Stamping and Migration Bates Stamping. Capture based stamping applies Bates Stamps during the initial capture phase of a workflow. Migration based stamping applies Bates Stamps in the Migration phase of a workflow, which is typically the final phase.

NOTE: The Bates Stamping function in the Migrations module affects ONLY images files and not OCR files. There are 3rd party products that are plug-ins to Adobe Professional that can handle this task.

Enable Bates Stamping

Configure Capture Bates Stamping by enabling the Bates Stamping and then selecting the associated Setup button.

Bates Stamp Settings

Bates Stamps


This is the name tag for this bates stamp.



Choose the desired font from the drop down list of system installed fonts. NOTE: Some fonts produce better results than others.

Background Color

Choose one of the many colors of the system color palette however, “Transparent” (default) or “White” are highly recommended.

Font Color

Choose one of the many colors of the system color palette.

Font Size

Choose the desired font size.


Choose the desired rotation angle of the text on the image.


Choose the X and Y coordinates in either pixels or inches. Choose the orientation of X, From Left or From Right and Y, From Top or From Bottom.

Sections for Current Bates Stamp


This is the name tag for this bates stamp section.

Section Settings

Section Type

There are 4 section types to choose from:

System Field

Choose from one of the following system fields:

Index Field

Choose from one of the defined batch/folder/document index fields from this Document Type.


Choose from any printable character however, a space or underscore are the most common.

Auto Number Settings

Select from the drop down box: New Counter Per Batch or one of the defined shared counters or click Setup and then Add to create a new shared counter.

Initial Value

Set a numeric value

Increment By

Set an interval.


Select Page, Document, or Folder

Shared Counters

The user can define counters which are shared across stations for use in auto numbering fields in Index Data Fields, Bates Stamping or Imprinting.

Add Counter

Add a new counter by entering a Display Name and an Initial Value

Remove Counter

Highlight the counter to be removed and select remove

Reset Counter

Highlight the counter to be reset and select reset. This will set the value to 0.

Enter New Counter Value/Update

Highlight the counter to be changed and enter a new value

Common Settings

Section Width

Select the width of each Name on the left window by highlighting it first.

Pad Section with

Select the value to pad or prefix with if the width selected above is less than its value.

Output Format

Select the desired structure of the Bates string. NOTE: see Text Field Masking in the Appendix section of this manual.

Convert to uppercase

Selecting this option will cause all alpha characters to be printed in uppercase.

Bates Stamp Preview

This displays how the configured Bates Stamp will appear on the Image.


Create Border for Bates Stamps

Percent to shrink orginal image

The entire image will be shrunk this percentage

Image Position

Anchor the image in order to get the desired white space to stamp the image without over writing something on the image.

  • Anchoring to the Center will create equal space on all sides.

  • Anchoring to the Topwill create space at the Bottom.

  • Anchoring to the Bottom will create space at the Top.

  • Anchoring to the Left will create space at the Right.

  • Anchoring to the Right will create space at the Left.

Imaging Processing Options

Select Enable Image Processing and then specify the image processing functions to run.

NOTE: The Enable Image Processing affects ONLY images files and not OCR. This feature is intended to be used when the desired images being migrated need a particular function run on them like Binarize when the user has scanned in color and wishes a second output stream of Black and White images. See “Document Type Configuration/Image Processing” for more details.

Image Tag Output

Output Options

Remove specified page from Migration Output: Page to remove from Output

A specified page from each document will be omitted from the output. NOTE: The Remove Page from Output affects ONLY images files and not OCR. This feature is intended to be used when the desired page to be removed is NOT a Folder or Document Separator. OCR is handled in the OCR Workflow Configuration section of this manual.

Remove last page from Migration Output

The last page from each document will be omitted from the output.

Include Folder Separators in Output

If data is included on the Folder Separator which is important to the user during Quality Assurance or Index but is NOT desired to be left in the output viewed by the end user; de-selecting this option will remove the Folder Separator sheet before outputting the file.

Include Document Separators in Output

If data is included on the Document Separator which is important to the user during Quality Assurance or Index but is NOT desired to be left in the output viewed by the end user; de-selecting this option will remove the Document Separator sheet before outputting the file.

Do not output items marked with Skip flag

Items marked with the Skip flag will be omitted from the output.

NOTE: The Keep/Remove Separators defined in migrations affects ONLY images files and not OCR. OCR is handled in the OCR Workflow Configuration section of this manual.

Document Filtering Options

Document Filtering allows you to only output documents which contain a Regular Expression match within the selected index field(s). This is commonly used when creating multiple migrations within a single workflow where you want an index field to direct documents to the desired migration. NOTE: This feature requires Advanced Data Extraction (ADE) license.

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