ApplicationXtender Direct Migration Configuration

Migration Settings Tab

ApplicationXtender Application Settings

Note: The ApplicationXtender client is required to be installed on the system(s) used to define and run this migration. Additionally when executing this migration it will consume an ApplicationXtender license for the time it takes the migration to run.

Application Name

Click on the Select Application and choose the application to associate with this Document Type.

Data Source

Note: Leave blank to use Default Data Source

User Name

Enter the appropriate ApplicationXtender user name.


Enter the appropriate ApplicationXtender password.

Image File Options

Migrate Image Files

Select Migrate Image Files to output the image files (i.e. Tiff, GIF, JPEG, etc.).

Image Output Type

Select from the following:

  • Multi-Page Tiff Image
  • Single Page Tiff Images
  • Single Page JPEG Images
  • Single Page JPEG 2000 Images
  • Single Page BMP Images
  • Single Page GIF Images
  • Single Page PNG Images
  • Multi-Page PDF (Image Only)
  • Single Page PDFs (Image Only).
JPEG Quality

The default is 75 and is a good blend between quality and size. Raising the number will increase size and may increase the quality of the file. This setting affects Color, Grayscale and JPEG files only.

OCR and Non-Image File Options

Migrate OCR or Non-Image Files

This is for files created in the OCR module.

Files To Migrate

Select from the following:

  • All OCR Files for Document
  • Single OCR File by workflow position
  • OCR Files by file tags
  • Non-Image source file
Tags to Output

When OCR Files by file tags is selected, only files with matching image tags will be outputted. NOTE: Separate multiple tags using commas.

Image/OCR File Options


Append pages to existing documents

Append pages to existing documents with matching Index values. Selecting this option provides the following additional options:

  • Revision Check In Action 
    • “Check in as same revision”
    • “Check in as major revision”
    • “Check in as minor revision”
  • Revision Note 
    Enter the note that the user would like to attach to the record in ApplicationXtender
Only migrate the first record of Document when Document contains multiple records

Select this option if the desired outcome is for only the first record of a multi-record index to be associated with each document. NOTE: This feature is used primarily when the user desires to migrate a second time or to a second library. Where to first library contains all multi-records and the second one contains only the first record; usually for security reasons.

Enable support for Centera Storage when migrating

Enable this option to allow Centera Storage support for migrated content.


Other Options

The user may wish to execute another windows application as a part of this migration. In order to accomplish this, the user must configure the following:


Application to Launch

Select the windows executable to launch.

Application Arguments

Supply any command line arguments, if any. These are supplied by the executable’ developer.

Launch Timing

The user can choose between the following timing options to launch the executable:

  • Launch application after each Batch is migrated
  • Launch application after all selected Batches are migrated.

Common Tabs

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