PSIsafe Retriever User Guide

The PSIsafe Retriever End User Guide covers the entire User Interface, Navigation, and Functionality of the Retriever Module within PSIsafe. A valid PSIsafe installation is required to begin Retrieving documents and via the snap-on interface GUI. To learn more, visit the links below:


PSIsafe Client Installation




Table of Contents:






Regular Expressions





PSIsafe Retriever is used to connect PSIsafe to an external business application. The objective is to provide access to documents stored in PSIsafe based on information retrieved from the external business application.

PSIsafe Retriever is used to connect business database applications (ACT!, Goldmine, QuickBooks, …) to PSIsafe document management software. After the connection to the business application is made, Retriever links the current business application’s record to the associated folder in PSIsafe. This allows the user to directly access relevant documents without switching applications and searching for relevant documents.




PSIsafe Retriever is installed automatically with PSIsafe Client. See the PSIsafe Client Installation Guide.

Retriever is client specific and will have to be installed on each machine that will use it.

  • Make sure access is also available to the PSIsafe repository.
  • Install the program with the default settings provided.
  • Alternative settings should only be used when directed by PSIGEN technical support staff.

Things to know before configuring PSIsafe Retriever

  1.  Application Information (Things your IT person should know)
    1. Which application/data are you connecting with?
    2. Is there a PSIsafe setup that matches this data?
    3. If not, PSIsafe Synchronizer may be used to transfer the application’s database data to the
      corresponding folder indexes.

  2.  Location of PSIsafe data 
    1. Which repository/cabinet will be mapped?
    2. Which folder index value in the cabinet contains the same data used by the business
      application? Name, account number etc.
    3. Does the user have access rights to the cabinet in PSIsafe?




Setting up your first connection

Step 1 – Run Retriever

By default Retriever is installed in C:\Program Files\PSIGEN\PSIsafe, or the (x86) directory on a 64 bit system.

The executable name is PSIGEN.Retriever.exe. Simply double click this executable to run PSIsafe Retriever. A shortcut is also installed on Windows Start.

Step 2 – Provide Login

Enter the PSIsafe username and password to use PSIsafe Retriever.

Login Screen

A new setup must be configured before using Retriever for the first time. In the system tray, right click the Retriever icon and select Setup. Then enter the Administrator password.

Step 3 – Enter a new setup/Edit an Existing setup

Retriever can be used to connect to many different databases and cabinets. A setup name is required for each connection.

Either enter a new setup name or select an existing one from the pull down.

Step 4 – Select the correct PSIsafe settings

PSIsafe Retriever connects a field in another software application to a designated PSIsafe repository, cabinet, and folder index. Data is pulled from the other software application and matched against the data in the folder index.

If there is a match than the folder information is retrieved and the document list is made available to the user.

Select the appropriate repository/cabinet/index combination to connect.

Step 5 – Select the application to connect PSIsafe Retriever to

PSIsafe Retriever connects to another application based on the application executable name. In general these files are stored in the C:\Program Files\<appname> (i.e. c:\program files\ACT). It may take some detective work to determine which executable file is the correct one.

This button will bring up a file browsing screen. Navigate to the correct executable and press the Open button.

Step 6 – Selecting the positioning of the PSIsafe Retriever button.

PSIsafe Retriever attaches a small button to the application selected in Step 5. This button can be placed in one of three locations. This is dependent on where in the connected application is the best place to display the PSIsafe Retriever icon.

Select the top right (most common), bottom left or bottom right. Most application use the top left for their menus, so it is not an option.

Step 7 – Setting the various options

PSIsafe Retriever has a number of options that control how each setup functions. This section goes through each one of the options and explains how it affects the PSIsafe Retriever application.


The Global option makes the setup available to other users using the same repository/cabinet AND the same application. When unchecked, the setup is only available to this user/computer.

Auto Open

When PSIsafe Retriever finds the folder that matches the data in the connected application, it can automatically open the document list if this option is checked. If it is not checked, the user can click the Show Document List button to see the list of documents.

Use Capture

Use capture is the option that connects the folder index data to data from the screen of the connected application. Simply follow the directions on the Select Capture Field screen.

Use Matching

Use matching is one of the more interesting technical parts of Retriever. It is used to take data from the screen and run it through a regular expression parser to extract a piece of data that can be used to match the folder index.

An example would be if an EMR software package could only extract a piece of data like "Patient – John Ferry – 93847” where 93847 is the patient number. If 93847 is in a folder index in PSIsafe then this data could be extracted from the string by using a regular expression.

See for more information/tutorial on regular expressions. For the above string the regular expression to extract 93847 from “Patient – John Ferry – 93847” would be “[0-9]+$”. The “$” matches the end of the string and the “[0-9]+” extracts the client number.

Alternatively, contact PSIGEN Support at or visit our WIKI at and submit a ticket to get help with building a regular expression. A list of known regular expressions and the applications they work with are provided in Appendix A.

Step 8 – Save the setup

Save the current setup by clicking the save settings button. Click the exit button to exit setup mode. If the global option is set, the setup becomes available to all other users of PSIsafe Retriever.

Miscellaneous Information

PSIsafe Retriever can be connected to more than one application. For instance it could be setup to connect to ACT! for contact management and MAS-90 for the accounting function. PSIsafe Retriever will follow the application that has the mouse focus.



Step 1 – Start the Application PSIsafe Retriever is connected to

Step 2 – Start and Login into PSIsafe Retriever

Login Screen

Step 3 – Focus the connected application

Give the connected application focus by clicking on it. The PSIsafe Retriever logo will be displayed in the corner. To activate PSIsafe Retriever click on the logo.

PSIsafe Retriever Minimized

PSIsafe Retriever running and connected to Outlook

Step 4 – Open PSIsafe Retriever

PSIsafe Retriever can be opened at any time by clicking on the Logo. Several things can be done at this point.

  1. Clicking the logo again will shrink PSIsafe Retriever back to the logo button.
  2. Selecting the Manual box enables folder lookup via dropdown selection when the Find button is pressed.
  3. Clicking Show will expand PSIsafe Retriever to display the selected folder contents.
  4. When the folder contents are displayed, the Tabs box controls how tabs are organized.
  5. When the folder contents are displayed, the + - boxes control the height of the folder display.

PSIsafe Retriever Displayed

Step 5 – Show/Hide Folder Contents

Folder’s contents can be displayed by clicking the “Show” button. At this point, anything normally done with the document list in PSIsafe can be done in Retriever. If Auto Open setup option is selected, the document list is automatically displayed whenever a new record is displayed in the connected application.

To hide the document list, simply click the “Hide” button.

PSIsafe operations, including View, Edit, Scan, New, etc. are performed using the PSIsafe Retriever toolbar items located above the document list. Documents can also be added to the folder by dragging and dropping them over the document list area.

PSIsafe Retriever with document list.

Regular Expressions

Appendix A - Known Regular Expression Setups

Application - Laser App

String being matched: “Laser App Enterprise - DE [Ben Franklin] - [SAMPLE FORM : Sample

Regular expression: “(?<=\[)\w+ \w+(?=\])”
Data Extracted: “Ben Franklin”

Application - Aria

String being matched: “Notes-Davis, Jesse J – 152268”
Regular expression: “(\w+, \w+ \w?)”
Data Extracted: “Davis, Jesse J”

Application – Access App - will not work with all Access Apps.

String being matched: “Contact Log Version 2.4 - WX0026982 ALBERTA SMITH“
Regular expression: “(?<=- )[a-zA-Z0-9]+”
Data Extracted: “WX0026982”

Application – NextGen EMR

String being matched: “NextGen EMR: Jones, Fred - [09/05/2008 10:04 AM:"eyemaster im"]“
Regular expression: “(?<=\: )[a-zA-Z0-9 /,]+(?= -)”
Data Extracted: “Jones, Fred”

Application – Gorilla Bill Good Marketing

String being matched: “NextGen Gorilla 3.0 [Playground] [Info Sheet: Ferry, John]“
Regular expression: “(?<=: )[a-zA-Z0-9, ]+(?=])”
Data Extracted: “Ferry, John”


Keywords: PSIsafe Retriever Guide, PSIsafe Retriever End User Guide, How to Use PSIsafe Retriever

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