Workflow comes with every PSIsafe Client installation by default. Workflows allow businesses to create unique automatic, rule-based, and manual processes that align with their Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Documents or folders (items) may be routed manually from the client by simply right-clicking on the content and choosing the appropriate manual routing option. Additionally, documents may be routed via a rule with the same method, allowing for complex workflow chains to pass through individuals, groups, departments, or customizable triggers based on document indexes.
Table of Contents:
Understanding Workflow: Rules
Understanding Workflow: Additional Points
Understanding Workflow: How to Route
Understanding Workflow: The Workflow Toolbar
Understanding Workflow: General Workflow Interface
Workflow Settings
Understanding Workflow: Rules
A rule is a set of steps which are followed for each piece of content, or bundle of content, placed in a workflow. Each Step can be a fixed process (e.g. send a document to Person A > Group B > Person C), or, there may be decision points at each step of the rule. (e.g., if the invoice is > $1000 send to Person A, or else send to Person B).
Some important notes about Rules:
- Rules can have an unlimited number of Steps and questions.
- Rules are where your organizational SOP is translated into routing items once imported or captured.
- Rules can transform the interactions of employees within your organization, making the transference of documentation, content, and media both automated and easy to navigate.
- Rules can allow for automatic routing of content as soon as it is created via the Templates Section of PSIsafe Management. Click here to learn more.
- Rules must be configured prior to their use via the PSIsafe Management application. See the article below for more information:
PSIsafe Administrator Guide: Workflow: Adding and Editing Rules
Understanding Workflow: Additional Points
- Document workflow allows the sending of a document(s) to another user either by a manual routing method or a rule-based method.
- Documents can be sent either to an individual or a group of individuals.
- Rules allow for predefined workflow paths and can be based on specific criteria for the route the document takes.
- Manual routing is simple point-to-point routing of a document that is not constrained by specific criteria.
Last Used Route Selection
When working with long user lists, or Workflow rules lists, PSIsafe automatically remembers the last selection, reducing the frustration of scrolling or searching for the correct Rule/User. No special action is required. PSIsafe remembers the last item selected and automatically highlights that item the next time the user routes a document or folder.
Understanding Workflow: How to Route
Documents can be routed by performing the following steps:
- Select the document(s) to be routed by highlighting with the mouse. For multiple selections use the <ctrl> or <shift> keys.
- Click the “Tools” menu button and the select route-Public Access:
This will display the following window: - At the top of this window, select the appropriate Route Type of either Rule or Manual.
- If a Rule type is selected, click the appropriate rule.
- If Manual type is selected, choose a user or a group to which to route the content.
- The Route as Bundle option allows a quick method to bundle multiple selected documents, as well as name the bundle. This can be useful for quickly bundling documents with a specific task or intention, e.g. Onboarding Documents.
- Notes can be added to the document route to give the receiving user more information, if needed.
- Click the “Send” button to complete the route.
Understanding Workflow: The Workflow Toolbar
The workflow toolbar allows for a variety of options to handle the Workflow process. This toolbar is the primary method of quickly moving documents through workflow, and making changes to documents on-the-fly as needed. Below is a breakdown of each button on the Workflow Toolbar and its function:
Button | Title | Function |
Approve - Click | Verifies that the document was reviewed and moves the document to the next step of workflow. If the document was manually routed, the “Pick Item” box will allow the user to choose where the content goes next. If the document was routed via a rule, the document will automatically continue in the workflow to the next point defined by the rule. | |
Approve and File | Approve the document and File to a location in PSIsafe. | |
Approve, File, and Lock | Approve the document and File to a location in PSIsafe, additionally placing the document in a "Locked" state, the highest level of security for any PSIsafe content. | |
Forward | Sometimes using the Approve button to route isn't what's needed, as a document may need further review, or the item may not be approved by the user. In these cases, advancing an item in Workflow with the “Forward” selection is more appropriate. | |
Reject | Indicates that the document has not received approval. The document automatically flows back to the user who sent the item. | |
Edit - Click | Allows editing of the document via the assigned document manager such as Adobe, Word, Excel, etc. Clicking edit will open the document in the native program. Once saved, it will appear in the workflow preview window for the next action required. | |
Edit Document | Performs the same function as the above "Click" option. | |
Edit Document Data | This option opens the Document Data edit screen, which allows users to change Content Manager, Template, Title, Security Class, Retention, and add, edit, or remove Document Records (Document-level Indexes). Additionally, Keywords can be managed via a button in the bottom-left. | |
File to Cabinet | Checks the document back into the file cabinet from which it originated. This is only allowed for a manual route. | |
Hold | Flags the document and changes the status to “Hold”. This is used to temporarily let the user know the document was reviewed but is awaiting further action. | |
Return to Sender | Sends the document back to the person who sent it. Only functions for a manually routed item. | |
Tools - Check Out | Manually check out a PSIsafe document to ensure that no other PSIsafe users can interact with the document until you have finished checking it back in. | |
Creates an email message with the selected document attached. | ||
Prints the selected item. | ||
Open Folder | Opens the folder of the selected document. All documents associated with the folder are present for viewing. | |
Edit Folder | Allows editing of the folder index values as required. | |
Search | Allows searching of workflow items for a specific document(s) based on the specified criteria. | |
Refresh | Updates the document list in workflow without waiting for the automatic refresh to occur. |
Understanding Workflow: General Workflow Interface
All documents which are routed are delivered to the user’s workflow inbox. The workflow inbox can be
accessed by clicking the “Workflow” button on the PSIsafe toolbar on the bottom-left of the PSIsafe Client.. This will display the workflow section as seen below:
Content is shown in workflow with a status, as well as who sent the item and the date sent. The status indicates if the item is New, In Process, or on Hold. Routing notes and routing history are available at the bottom of the inbox panel.
Popup Confirmation
One important general user experience option for PSIsafe workflow is the ability to enable popup confirmations when using the operations Approve, Return to Sender, and File to Cabinet. To prevent users from accidently processing two Workflow items at the same time (due to double clicking the action, or similar) there is an option to prompt the user for confirmation before proceeding.
To enable Popup Confirmations:
Click Workflow > Tools > “Prompt For Confirmation” to toggle the setting.
Variable Entry Reset
In some cases, where an entered value is commonly reused, it’s more efficient to retain the last entry so the user doesn’t need to reenter the same value over and over. In other cases, a user might want PSIsafe to prevent any accidental reuse of a previously entered value. Toggling the Tools > Variable Entry Reset setting allows the user to determine what operation is optimal for their situation.
When Variable Entry Reset is checked, the previous user entry will be cleared when the next workflow item is selected.
Entries in this field will be saved (or not) depending on your setting choice:
Placeholder in Workflow Rules
When building workflow rules there are occasions where certain information is not known at the time to complete a Rule step. Placeholders allow the rule to be in an "Editing Phase", even though a particular step is not complete. For example, when setting up a rule within a rule, if the 2nd rule is not configured, the administrator can still configure the first rule and leave the "send to" blank until the 2nd rule is configured. Once the 2nd rule is configured, the Administrator will need to edit the initial rule to complete the placeholder. Steps containing a placeholder are displayed as invalid in the summary display to remind the Administrator the rule is not complete.
Workflow Settings
Workflow honors the Client option settings for Preview and Attachments:
Options > General >Enable Preview
Go to Options > Documents-General > Expand Attachments
This concludes the General User Guide on PSIsafe Workflow.
Keywords: PSIsafe Workflow Tools, PSIsafe Workflow Options, PSIsafe Workflow, PSIsafe Document Workflow, PSIsafe Workflow Interface, PSIsafe Workflow Document Actions
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