PSIsafe's Workflow module can introduce complex interactions and transitions between users, groups, and locations throughout your PSIsafe installation and business. An easy way to keep track of content, as well as where a document is within a specific workflow, is to use the Trace feature, available in the Cabinets Browser and Workflow areas of the product.
Using Trace to Check the Trace Log
Right click on document in PSIsafe and select Trace to show all steps taken in the workflow process:
The Document Trace Window has two columns that list Action and User for each step in a workflow:
This is a quick way to retrieve a detailed view of what steps a document has taken, or is currently taking, within a workflow.
Using Trace in Workflow
Another method of tracing content within a Workflow is to use the Show All Items You Have Touched option within Workflow > Tools, which displays similar information to the standard Trace window, with some notable differences. The default is set to show the past 30 days of active items. Users can then change the date range (at the bottom of the window) and select if they want the list to include Active, Completed, or Both items. Choosing a workflow item in the list will cause all the steps to display in the box on the right. Right clicking on the list allows the user to print the list, print just the selected trace, or perform a Workflow Recall.
Adjusting Date Fields for User Workflow Activity Window
Dates are set by clicking in the date field and selecting the date. The current month and day are displayed. Clicking on the date range will display longer time frames:
Trace Items While In Workflow
Items in Workflow can be traced by right clicking on the item. Eligible Trace items include Folder,
Document, Distributed with Reply and documents within a bundle.
Documents that are part of a bundle are traced by right clicking the item in the bundle list:
Content that is part of a bundle will display the "Part of bundle:" prefix in the Trace Window:
Keywords: PSIsafe Documents Trace, Trace PSIsafe Document, PSIsafe Workflow Trace
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