PSIsafe Interoperability Matrix

The PSIsafe product suite consists of multiple products that are designed to work together. As new versions of products within the PSIsafe suite are released, it may become increasingly confusing to know whether your version will continue to work with the latest release. 

Be sure to stay up-to-date with the latest products. For your convenience, please reference our Product Lifecycle Fact Sheet. For a full listing of product compatibility and supported software, please visit our Product Compatibility Matrix.

Product Compatibility


PSIsafe Server
(32-bit) 11.2

PSIsafe Server
(32-bit) 11.3
PSIsafe Server
(32-bit) 12.1
PSIsafe Desktop (32-bit) 12.1 (error) (error) (tick)
PSIsafe Open API & 64-bit Framework 12.1 (error) (error) (tick)*
PSIsafe DocuSign (integration) (error) (error) (tick)
PSIsafe Desktop (32-bit) 11.3 (Azure-Only) (error) (tick) (error)
 PSIsafe Open API & 64-bit Framework 11.3 (Azure-Only) (error) (tick) (error)
PSIsafe Desktop (32-bit) 11.2 (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Open API & 64-bit Framework 11.2 (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Modules      
PSIsafe Synchronizer 11.3 (error) (tick) (tick)
PSIsafe Synchronizer 11.0 (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Books 11.3 (Azure-Only) (error) (tick) (tick)
PSIsafe Books 11.2 (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Mobile 3.0 (tick) (tick) (tick)*
PSIsafe Web Lite 12.1 (error) (error) (tick)*
PSIsafe Web 11.3 (Azure-Only) (error) (tick) (error)
PSIsafe Web 11.0 (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Share 2.0 (Azure-Only) (error) (tick) (tick)
PSIsafe Share 1.0 (tick) (tick) (tick)
PSIsafe Web Filer 11.0 (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe PDF Forms Monitor 11.3 (error) (tick) (tick)*
PSIsafe PDF Forms Monitor 10.3 (tick) (error) (error)
PSIcapture 7.6 - PSIsafe Direct Migration 10.4-11.2.1 (tick) (error) (error)
PSIcapture 7.8 - PSIsafe Direct Migration 11.3 (error) (tick) (error)
PSIcapture 7.8 PSIGEN Affinity Direct Migration to PSIsafe 12.1 (error) (error) (tick)
PSIsafe API      
PSIsafe API (GA) (formerly Affinity) (error) (error) (tick)




*This product is compatible with PSIsafe 12 in a limited capacity.

Product Roadmap

Our product roadmap is always evolving. Please check back often. If you have any questions or concerns, please do reach out and contact us. Our customers and partners are integral in our decisions to prioritize enhancements and compatibility.


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