Getting Ready to Move to PSIsafe for Azure Cloud

What's First?

So you've heard the news that we are moving cloud platforms to Azure. Chances are you want to know what's next. While it'd be great for you to spend some time reading this background, who's got the time. Let's get right to it, shall we.


Step 1: Fill Out This Survey

  • If you are a direct customer, please fill out the survey: Data Migration Survey
  • If you work with a PSIGEN partner, contact your partner to work with you to fill out the survey.
  • If your survey is complete, move on to Step 2 (below).


Step 2: Watch These Videos

PSIsafe 12 has some new features you need to be aware of. To familiarize yourself with these improvements, please watch these videos:

If you are moving to PSIsafe 11.3, these videos won't be applicable to you. The interface and feature set very closely match PSIsafe 11.2.

Once you've watched these, move on to Step 3 (below). 


Step 3: Check Out This Documentation

While we love documentation as much as the next person, you may have questions that can be easily answered by all this great documentation that we wrote just for you.


exclamation1.png System Requirements

Please ensure your computer is able to run the new PSIsafe. You may reference the system requirements listed above.


Once you've gleaned through our documentation to familiarize yourself with all of the new resources, move on to Step 4 (below). 


Step 4: Schedule Your Call

I work with PSIGEN directly

You have questions, we have questions, we all have questions. We'd like to spend some time talking things through. Please reply back to your survey email or email to schedule your call. Please let us know what timezone(s) you are in and we'll work with you to setup your call.

I work with a PSIGEN partner

If you work with a PSIGEN partner, we are given them all the 'good dish'. Please reach out to your partner to begin working through your logistics.


Step 5: Schedule Your Move

After your move, be sure to get your desktop client software updated (Step 6, below).

NOTE: Do NOT update your client before you move. You will NOT be able to login if you do.


Step 6: Finishing Your Move to PSIsafe for Azure Cloud

Once you get everything settled in, move on to Finishing Your Move to PSIsafe for Azure Cloud.

Thank You

Check back in frequently. We'll be adding new resources as we think of useful (and questionably witty) things to say.

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