PSIsafe User Acceptance Testing (UAT)



The purpose of this article is to give PSIsafe Users a simple list of checks to perform in the event of a major system upgrade, such as PSIsafe's Azure Cloud Migration process, or a significant version change. The following is a simple breakdown of tests the user will perform once the PSIsafe Administrator and IT Administrator give them the go-ahead.


Sections are determined by the product areas, as well as the timeline of your unique conversion process. If you encounter any issues, or don't understand how to perform any of the checks or tests, Contact PSIGEN Support at your convenience.


Pre-Migration and Upgrade Checks


As a PSIsafe User, you'll need to ensure your PC has all the required specifications to run PSIsafe Desktop Client. You can find PSIsafe System Requirements here:


PSIsafe 12 System Requirements

PSIsafe 11 System Requirements


Confirm with your IT Administrator that your system meets these specifications. Once this is confirmed, you can proceed with the preliminary processes.


Installing your Upgraded PSIsafe Desktop Client


First, ensure that the PSIsafe Desktop Client is installed and configured to connect to your PSIsafe Server. For more information on this process, see:


Finishing Your Move to PSIsafe for Azure Cloud

PSIsafe Client: Cloud & On-Premise: Installation Guide

PSIsafe User Guide: Transitioning from PSIsafe 11 to PSIsafe 12


Part 1: Navigation & Viewing


Once your PSIsafe Desktop Client is connected to your PSIsafe Server and loaded onto your dashboard, it's a good idea to navigate to the following product areas to ensure that the transition carried over some specific elements of your unique installation:


N1: Browse Several Cabinets


  1. Left-click any available cabinets in the upper-left of the PSIsafe Client in the Cabinets Browser Pane:
  2. Use the dropdown arrow to select different Repositories (if applicable).
  3. Use the Search Field "Find Cabinet..." to narrow down results (if applicable).


N2: Browse Several Folders


  1. Once a cabinet is selected, select a folder within that cabinet by left-clicking on any folder within the folder pane:
  2. Ensure that index data populates in the Info Pane to the right-hand side (by default, the position of this pane can change with user customizations to layout).
  3. Once you have confirmed that content (documents) appear within the folders under the "Document List" below, move on to the next test.


N2.1: Testing Preview & View Content


  1. Now that Cabinets and Folders have been confirmed, let's preview some content. When previewing content, simply left-click on the document within the document list, and a preview should appear in the right-hand preview pane (by default, the position of this pane can change with user customizations to layout). 
  2. If you have trouble previewing your content with the default preview engine, use the "Gear" icon in the bottom-left to either set the default preview engine to another option, or simply use the dropdown to change the engine for this single, one-time preview. For more information on adjust preview engine options, see:

    PSIsafe User Guide: Preview Pane

  3. Now let's attempt to open some content via left-click and selecting "View", or simply double-clicking the document to open it with the associated program. This step is important as in some cases, the default program associated with that filetype may be incorrect. Ensure that you as a user open all the relevant filetypes used by your business, including PDF, TIF, DOCX, XLSX, MSG, TXT, PNG, etc. Each of these programs may either use the default bundled image viewer of PSIsafe (Imageman) or whatever default program is associated with them through your Windows Operating System.
  4. If you encounter errors during this process, ensure your PSIsafe or IT Administrator has access to the following article on associating content managers:

    PSIsafe Administrator Guide: Content Managers


N3: Copy / Paste documents from one Folder / Cabinet to another


  1. A simpler version of the Mark process, this test ensures that users can copy / paste an individual document or selection of documents from one folder to another:
  2. After selecting a document to copy, open another folder within the same cabinet or another compatible cabinet (one with the same index fields / tabs) and paste the document.


N4: Perform a Search


  1. Enter a search term in the "Search" field in the upper-right of the PSIsafe Client, or simply click the "Search" word itself within the field to open the Search tab:
  2. For a detailed walkthrough on how to perform a search, see:

    PSIsafe User Guide: Search


N5: Check Customizations (Optional)


  1. This optional step ensures that customizations previously employed by a user have carried over to the new version of the product. Examples of customizations include:
    1. PSIsafe Display appearance - Open the Options window from the top navigation menu, and on the first "General" tab, appearance customization, including color theme, Fonts, size, and row height, can be set according to user preferences, if they have not automatically carried over:
    2. Custom Columns - Under the same Options window, under the "Custom Columns" tab, ensure that any user-configured Custom Columns are available. As these are unique to the user, they will not apply across different users.
      For more information on Custom Columns, see:

      PSIsafe User Guide: Custom Columns

    3. To adjust the columns displayed by default in the document pane, users can adjust several options under the "Documents-Display" tab:
      The columns affected by these choices are displayed now by default in the Document List Pane:


Part 2: Permissions


Now that navigation is confirmed, let's confirm with a quick check that your permissions have remained consistent. The goal is to ensure that you have access to the content that should be available to your user account, and do not have access to restricted content.


P1: Browse to ensure that Cabinet Permissions Persisted


While your PSIsafe Administrator can check your available permissions in the "Effective" tab of the Access > Rights section of PSIsafe Management, as a user, you can simply attempt to browse to cabinets that you should have access to, and ensure you cannot access cabinets, folders, or documents that you should not have access to.

This process is as straightforward as it sounds. Simply navigate to several cabinets, folders, and documents, and confirm with your organization that you as a user have the appropriate permissions set accordingly. Typically this is an opportunity to remove users who are no longer a part of the organization, and update access for new members of the organization. In some cases, new Cabinets, Folders, or Documents recently created by a PSIsafe Administrator, which do not currently have access rights set accordingly, will also need to be updated. For more information Access Rights, forward your PSIsafe or IT Administrator the following article:

PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Access Rights


Part 3: Filer


Once your PSIsafe Desktop Client is connected to your PSIsafe Server and loaded onto your dashboard, it's a good idea to navigate to the following product areas to ensure that the transition carried over some specific elements of your unique installation:


F1: File via Preferred Method


  1. This test is one of a few to ensure that PSIsafe Filer operates as expected. As a PSIsafe User who has likely used the product to some extent, you probably have a preferred filing method, e.g. Drag & Drop, Tools > Import, Print-to-Safe, etc. There are several methods of initiating the Filer process, so feel free to explore the in-depth guide below to determine what best suits your preferences:

    PSIsafe User Guide: Capture/Import via Filer

  2. Once you have confirmed your preferred method, simply file any test document to an available folder. You may wish to set up a test folder for this process.


F2: File via another Method (Optional)


  1. It's important that you have multiple methods of getting your content into PSIsafe, depending on your unique business needs and typical workflow methods. For example, a user may regularly Drag & Drop content into PSIsafe to file, but in certain scenarios, physical documents need to be imported, and only scanning content via your physical scanner works. Simply try another option from the previously referenced Filer article to ensure that you have options that suit your needs:

    PSIsafe User Guide: Capture/Import via Filer

    This step is optional if, in rare cases, you as a user only employ one method of Importing to PSIsafe.
  2. If your business prefers to use the Batch Capture module to regularly import larger batches of content, you can instead see:

    PSIsafe User Guide: Capture/Import via Batch Capture

  3. A simple Batch Capture Test would entail filing content in the same manner as above, but simply using the Batch Capture module instead. Drag & Drop content into the left-hand Import section, fill out the corresponding metadata, and click File:

    All of these steps are covered in detail in the above link.


F2.1: Check your Scanner (Optional)


  1. In many cases, physical document scanning is used by an organization to capture content and store it securely in PSIsafe. In this case, it's important to ensure that your IT or PSIsafe Administrator can assist you with setting up and checking that your scanner works as expected.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: PSIsafe only supports TWAIN (32-bit) Drivers, and most mainstream scanners offer this option. If your IT or PSIsafe Administrator encounters issues during this process, see the "Scanning to PSIsafe" section within the following article:

    PSIsafe User Guide: Capture/Import via Filer

    Or Contact PSIGEN Support at your convenience if further issues persist.
    This step is optional if your organization does not employ scanners to scan physical documents.


F3: Check your PSIsafe Printer


  1. In some workflows, it's easier to file to PSIsafe via the PSIsafe Printer, e.g. when content is open in an external program, you as a user simply print the document to the "PSIsafe" printer installed with the desktop client. In most cases, the PSIsafe Printer works without issue, however, in restricted environments, some users may not have permission to install drivers to their system, which prevents the PSIsafe Printer Driver from installing properly. If this is the case, simply have your PSIsafe or IT Administrator Contact PSIGEN Support for assistance installing the PSIsafe Printer in a restricted environment.
  2. Once the PSIsafe Printer is confirmed to be installed, simply "Print" any content from an external program to the PSIsafe Printer and ensure that the Filer dialog window opens, and that you are able to successfully file the content in PSIsafe. For more information on how to file to PSIsafe using the PSIsafe Printer, see the "Print-to-PSIsafe" section of:

    PSIsafe User Guide: Capture/Import via Filer


Part 4: Advanced (Optional)

At this point you should be relatively confident that, if all the previous tests have passed, your PSIsafe Installation is in working order. However, some workflows employ more advanced options that should be tested as necessary. The following tests cover several additional areas of PSIsafe that may apply to your unique business practices. These tests should be discussed with the IT or PSIsafe Administrator as to their applicability to your business practices.


A1: Move / Copy / Cut / Paste Folder via Mark


  1. Select any test folder, right-click, and select "Mark":
  2. On the Mark dialog window, perform one of each of the tests:
    1. Copy the Folder to another Cabinet.
    2. Move the Folder to another Cabinet.
    3. Paste the Documents from the Folder to another Folder.

A2: Route content through Workflow


  1. Right-click on any document within a the Document Pane of an open Folder and select Route > [Rule]:
  2. Ensure the user to which the content was routed does in fact receive the content in their Workflow inbox:


A3: Edit Folder Indexes / Document Records


  1. Ensure you can edit Folder Indexes as necessary via a right-click on any folder and selecting "Edit Index Values":
  2. Once confirmed, you can perform the same check for Document Records (Document-level Indexes) by right-clicking on any document within the Document List pane and selecting "Edit Document Data":
  3. For more information on editing Folder and Document indexes, see:

    PSIsafe User Guide: Document Records (Document-level Indexes)


This concludes the PSIsafe User Acceptance Testing (UAT). With these tests complete, you can be confident that your PSIsafe Installation working as expected.



Keywords: PSIsafe UAT, User Acceptance Testing PSIsafe, How to ensure PSIsafe Upgraded Properly, How to Test PSIsafe after Upgrade

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