PSIsafe Document Titles FAQ

version 12.1.x   Download Pending



This article is intended for PSIsafe Administrators.




This article is designed to put all of the information related to Document Titling in PSIsafe into a single article, answer common questions, and give examples to help PSIsafe Administrators best configure their PSIsafe installation to match the needs of their users, while saving them time and energy during the import process.


Basics of Document Titles


Note: The details of this section are also covered in:

PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Templates


Document titles can have an affect on how content is viewed within your PSIsafe document list. It's important that the PSIsafe administrator discusses with the team the most high-priority elements of titles and determines how best to organize them by default. Checking the box "Enable Automatic Updating from Index Values" during the filing process will create a title automatically based on Index fields and your customized title segments on this screen:




Note: Add brackets {} around value if you want it as a prompt and do not want it to show up in the title.

Add Label & Value - Adds the label designated in the label field to the Document Title, as well as the value that will be input by the user during the filing process, or automatically entered (if applicable).

Add Value - Adds only the value that will be input by the user during the filing process, or automatically entered (if applicable).

Clear - Clear all used elements of the Document Title editor to a blank state.

Title is read-only - Title cannot be edited by the user during the filing process. This option should only be used if the created title is consistent and will not need editing by the user filing the content. This option can be changed if the template is re-selected after unchecking this box within the template configuration.

NOTE: This box needs to be checked in order for Automatic Titling to be enforced.

NOTE: When the "Enable Automatic Title updating from Index Values" is selected in conjunction with this setting, the title of a imported document can ONLY be updated via index values (Document Records), as seen in the following screenshot, where the title field is greyed out:




Use this combination of settings carefully as it can yield undesired results if users wish to create completely custom titles. 


Q: How do I insert Folder Index Value or Document Index Values into my Titles?

A: Understanding Default Values


The following is a brief breakdown of the relationship between the Document Title Editor, Default Values, and their effects on the user experience when filing a document to PSIsafe.

Inside the document title editor you can have two types of values:

Index Values - Index values can be automatically populated into the title using the {} with the corresponding Index ID. For example, if a user wanted the input Document Record of Notes to be a part of my document title by default, I would use the "{4}" bracketed ID in the Document title editor field, as seen in the following screenshot:




This configuration allows a great deal of freedom for the Administrator to determine how best to help their users save time in the filing process by automatically updating the title based on these index values. 


Q: What is the Difference between Folder and Document Indexes in Titles?

A: Folder Indexes vs. Document Indexes in Titles


It's important to note that the above example corresponds to a Document Index value. However, if a User or Administrator wishes to populate their document title based on a Folder Index, the default value explained below <Idxn> where n is the number corresponding to the Folder Index, is used instead. To discover your Folder Index IDs, simply open File Structure > Cabinets > Select Cabinet > Edit > Step 2, where the "Order" column corresponds to the Index ID:




In this example, if I wished to pull in the "Status" Folder Index to my title, I would use "<Idx9>" in my Document title editor to ensure this value populated as expected.


Q: What are Default Values and what do they do?

A: Understanding Default Values


Default values are strings which can be populated based on static information. For example, the <filename> entry can be used in the document title editor to automatically insert the source file’s name into the document title. <filename> works when an existing file is brought into PSIsafe via import or Drag and Drop. <filename> is ignored if the template is also used to create a new document, or used via a Print-to-Safe import method. Another common Default Value is <Date>, which brings in the current Date when filing, and has variations based on your business needs.


NOTE: Titles can be affected by line item or document item index levels.


Default Values Table


NOTE: The default values available from the "Default Values" column drop-down pick list will be affected by the Data Type selected. For more information on Data Types, see:

PSIsafe Management Administrator Guide: Templates


The following is a list of the categories of Default Values available:

NOTE: Date and Time Default Values will populate with the current Date and Time when importing the content. To use a previously determined Date and Time, assign a Folder Index value or Document Index value as needed.


Name Default Value Description Example
Date <Date[1-20]> Variations on Dates with Hyphens (-) 2021-03-01
Special Date <sDate[1-17]> Variations on Dates with Slashes (/) 2021/03/01
Time <Time[1-7]> Variations on Time 12:31
Date and Time <DateTime> Variations on Combination of Date and Time with Hyphens (-) 2021-03-01 12:31:20
Special Date and Time <sDateTime> Variations on Combination of Date and Time with
Slashes (/)
2021/03/01 12:31:20
Folder Index ID <Idx[1-n]> Folder Index Values assigned to their corresponding Index ID (see above) Status Part Time / Employee ID 87876 / City, State New York, NY
Document Index ID {n} Document Index Values where n is the Document Index ID (see above) Invoice Total $435.56 / Date Received 01-24-2021 / Status Paid
Initials <Ini> Initials of the Current User performing the import of the content. JDW
User Login Name <Usr> The login name of the Current User performing the import of the content. steve.hardey
User Full Name <Usr1> The full name of the Current User performing the import of the content. Steve Hardey
Content Manager <Mgr> The Content Manager of the imported content. Adobe
Document Tab <Tab> The Tab of the currently imported content. Medical
Email Received Date <MsgReceivedDate> The Date Received with Hyphens (-) 2021-12-21
Email Message Sender <MsgReceivedFrom> The Sender of the original Email
Email Received
Special Date
<MsgReceivedSDate> The Date Received with Slashes (/) 2021/12/21
Email Sent Date <MsgSentDate> The Date the original email was sent with Hyphens (-) 2021-12-21
Email Sent
Special Date
<MsgSentSDate> The Date the original email was sent with Slashes (/) 2021/12/21
Email Message Recipient <MsgSentTo> The Recipient of the original Email
Email Subject Line <MsgSubject> The Subject line of the original Email Important Business
File Name <Filename> The actual file name in the storage medium importantdoc
File Name with Extension <FileNameWithExtension> The actual file name in the storage medium with its extension importantdoc.PDF


Q: What are some Example Title Configurations?

A: Three Examples of Common Title Configurations are explored below.


To further help understand how to build Title configurations for your templates that will best suit your needs, the following are some examples of possible configurations:


Example 1: An Editable Title with Folder Index Value and Default Value

In this example, the Administrator needs to have the Status and Date within the title, and the title needs to be editable so that Users can easily add or remove information as needed. Since the Status is a Folder Index Value, and the Date is a Default Value, the following is how this title would appear in the Document title editor:




Note that the checkbox "Title is read-only" is not checked, allowing the user to edit the title as needed.


Example 2: A Non-editable Title with Folder Index Value, Document Index Value, and Default Value


In this example, the Administrator needs to have the City (a Folder Index), Invoice Total (a Document Index), and the Date of Filing (a Default Value). As well, to avoid user error and keep titles consistent, the Administrator has opted to make the title non-editable. The following is how this title would appear in the Document title editor:




Note that the checkbox "Title is read-only" is checked, populating the title based on the index values and not allowing the user to edit the title. It's important to note that users can still populate the Index values accordingly, but the title will be composed of those index values regardless.


Example 3: An Editable Title with a Default Value and a User Prompt


In this example, the Administrator wants to allow users more freedom to input titles as they see fit. Only the date will be part of the title by default, and the user will be prompted to fill in relevant information by typing in a replacement of a placeholder phrase. The following is how this title would appear in the Document title editor:




Note that the checkbox "Title is read-only" is not checked, allowing the user to edit the title as needed. Additionally, the placeholder text "Insert Title Here" actually appears as such when importing the content, prompting the User to input the title as they see fit.



Keywords: PSIsafe document titles how to, Configuring Document Template Titles PSIsafe, How to setup imported filer titles PSIsafe, how to edit document title defaults PSIsafe

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