Kofax PSIcapture Mailroom 3 Version History

Version History Overview

This page contains the most up to date release notes for PSIcapture Mailroom 3 product family. To help us make PSIcapture Mailroom the best product possible, report any issues you find to your sales or support representative, or through our support portal at http://support.psigen.com. Below is a breakdown of the PSIcapture Mailroom 3 releases.

Note that PSIcapture Mailroom was previously known as PSIcapture Fusion and PSIfusion.

Helpful References


Kofax PSIcapture Mailroom 3.3 ( Release Notes

Release Date:  October 1, 2021

Note: This release immediately deprecates all previous builds. Please see Product Lifecycle Fact Sheet for more detail.

PSIcapture Fusion Web Client & Server

info1.png New Features
  • MAIL-1714: PSIcapture Mailroom has been extended to support load balancing configuration for larger installations. Please see System Requirements for more details.
  • MAIL-1703: Improved performance and user experience by introducing pagination controls to the Document Queue, allowing the user to select how many documents are displayed in the Document Queue at one time.
  • MAIL-1696: his product has been rebranded from PSIGEN PSIcapture Fusion to Kofax PSIcapture Mailroom.
  • MAIL-1657: Added a management feature to allow administrators to specify that documents be distributed across logged in users evenly.
  • MAIL-1640: Added a feature where Deployment Name is used for Organization Name and in Storage Path.
  • MAIL-1399: Added the ability to print images.


checkmark1.png Feature Enhancements
  • MAIL-1704: Added informational message to inform user that do not have permission to view a Document Profile.
  • MAIL-1618: Added validation to prevent changing a team’s supervisor when any documents are in the team’s queue.
  • MAIL-1590: Added a feature to show display names instead of usernames when routing documents.
  • MAIL-1587: Added feature to remove regular expressions from fields when those fields are disabled.
  • MAIL-1581: Removed "a" from the time input mask and replaced it with "tt". Also, updated the help text in Configuration | Document Profiles | Edit Document Profile.
  • MAIL-1566: Improved user experience by warning the user about potential loss of data when changing an existing Index Field's data type in Document Profile settings.
  • MAIL-1442: Improved user experience by highlighting the current active control when using the Tab key to navigate the user interface.


exclamation1.png Bug Fixes
  • MAIL-1724: Resolved an issue where an administrator was unable to create new User Group.
  • MAIL-1712: Resolved an issue where the administrator was unable to update the file server path using UNC convention from Deployment Manager. Note that the UNC file path must reside within the original deployment path of the File Server.
  • MAIL-1706: Resolved an issue where a Document Profile with permission set to DENY was displaying in user's Document Profile list.
  • MAIL-1705: Resolved an issue where no document profile was displayed when user permissions were set to DENY on the first Document Profile.
  • MAIL-1699: Resolved an issue where Queue Distribution options were not working when documents were migrated from PSIcapture.
  • MAIL-1686: Resolved an issue where user inputs were not being saved to the metada.xml file when invalid keys would produce no records during data lookup.
  • MAIL-1660: Resolved a performance issue when loading a large document in thumbnail view.
  • MAIL-1656: Resolved an issue where PSIcapture’s Direct Migration was dropping trailing zeros from currency field values.
  • MAIL-1636: Resolved an issue where changing the supervisor of a team would result in that supervisor automatically becoming a team member of that same team.
  • MAIL-1631: Resolved an issue where the Supervisor Role could be removed from a user while they were the Supervisor of a team.
  • MAIL-1628: Resolved an issue with Index Field properties being changed if multiple Document Profiles contained Index Fields with the same names.
  • MAIL-1626: Resolved an inconsistency when creating a new document profile in a different time zone.
  • MAIL-1623: Resolved an issue where Min and Max values were not being applied with Memo type fields.
  • MAIL-1616: Resolved an issue where certain Index Field properties were displaying as unavailable for selection.
  • MAIL-1615: Resolved an issue where the date/time was misrepresented after updating the date.
  • MAIL-1614: Resolved an issue where Validation messages were inconsistent.
  • MAIL-1612: Resolved an issue where the Date Picker control would not close after a user tabbed out of the field.
  • MAIL-1610: Resolved a regular expression reset issue when a field was disabled.
  • MAIL-1609: Resolved an issue where Default Value was not available for configuring for Memo type fields.
  • MAIL-1606: Resolved an issue where the Clear button was not consistently clearing Index Field values.
  • MAIL-1605: Resolved an issue where the document count was not displayed on the Document Queue.
  • MAIL-1600: Resolved an issue where Index Field order was not being retained when creating new Document Profiles.
  • MAIL-1599: Resolved an issue where Default Values were not saving when applied to an Index Field.
  • MAIL-1591: Resolved an issue where an index field would disappear after changing the datatype.
  • MAIL-1589: Resolved an issue where changing team names in administration did not change team names in the Queue filter.
  • MAIL-1588: Resolved an issue where the route button was not disabled when teams were disabled.
  • MAIL-1582: Resolved an issue where invalid dates were autocorrected. A friendly error message is now presented, "Date is not valid" upon exiting the field.
  • MAIL-1579: Added friendly message handling when deleting teams. New message is, "Are you sure you want to delete <teamName>?", then "<teamName> has been deleted".
  • MAIL-1578: Resolved a sorting issue when new users and teams were added.
  • MAIL-1576: Resolved an issue where CTRL+S was not working when cursor focus was inside the index.
  • MAIL-1571: Resolved an issue where Index Fields of data type Memo were not being displayed in Indexing.
  • MAIL-1569: Resolved an issue where Zoom In button was acting as Zoom Reset button.
  • MAIL-1562: Resolved a performance issue when loading a large number of documents in the queue.
  • MAIL-1559: Resolved an issue where Index Fields marked as both Required and Read Only could be cleared by a user selecting the Clear button, preventing the user from being able to populate the field with a new value.
  • MAIL-1557: Resolved an issue where indexing did not display newly added records on a document.
  • MAIL-1556: Resolved an issue where multiple records of documents were unable to be deleted.
  • MAIL-1555: Resolved an autocorrect issue when date fields were edited.
  • MAIL-1536: Resolved an issue where the administration menu collapsed when the child menu page was selected.
  • MAIL-1532: Resolved an issue where Index Field values were being retained when changing the Document Profile of a document if the newly selected Document Profile shared Index Field names with the previous one.
  • MAIL-1109: Resolved an issue where save rotation was not working in viewer when queue was refreshed.



PSIcapture Fusion 3.2 ( Release Notes

Release Date:  September 4, 2020

Note: This release immediately deprecates all previous builds. Please see Product Lifecycle Fact Sheet for more detail.

PSIcapture Fusion Web Client & Server 

exclamation1.png Bug Fixes
  • PTCI-1608: Resolved an issue which could occur with Document Profile creation if located in an international timezone.



PSIcapture Fusion 3.2 ( Release Notes

Release Date:  August 5, 2020

Note: This release immediately deprecates all previous builds. Please see Product Lifecycle Fact Sheet for more detail.

PSIcapture Fusion Web Client & Server

info1.png New Features
  • PTCI-1592: Certify application to perform with up to 250 users.
  • PTCI-1422: Updated branding of PSIfusion to reflect new product name, PSIcapture Fusion.
  • PTCI-1415: Added a Zoom Reset button to viewer toolbar to allow one-click resetting of zoom level of documents.
  • PTCI-1310: Improved the process of creating a new PSIcapture Fusion deployment by including the creation of the complete Organization directory structure, including folders for Queue, Incoming, Complete, and Invalid.


checkmark1.png Feature Enhancements
  • PTCI-1483: Added a new visual notification to the UI when a user selects the Save button to complete a document.
  • PTCI-1448: Updated the mouse wheel scrolling direction for zooming in and out to be consistent with that of other Windows applications.
  • PTCI-1443: Enhanced navigation to move focus to the Save button when a user selects the Tab key from the last index field on a document.
  • PTCI-1441: Added CTRL-S to the Save button's tooltip to better inform users of the available hotkey.
  • PTCI-1434: Updated Date Input Masks to allow for the month, day, and year segments to be manually edited individually.
  • PTCI-1433: Increased the speed and level of zoom applied when zooming in and out of documents.
  • PTCI-1419: Added custom error pages in the event a user encounters an error while using PSIcapture Fusion.
  • PTCI-1404: Added the ability for the document queue to display as many 10,000 documents.
  • PTCI-1383: Added the ability to use the shift key to select multiple documents in the document queue.
  • PTCI-1275: Added the ability to sort and filter lookup results.
  • PTCI-1149: Added the ability to change the IIS port binding on a Fusion deployment.
  • PTCI-1102: Added new confirmation messages when performing actions such as deleting, saving, combining documents, or clearing fields.
  • PTCI-821: Added the ability for users to save multiple documents at one time by selecting multiple documents and then choosing the Save option.
  • PTCI-599: Added logging for when documents are moved to a user queue for which there is no valid license.


exclamation1.png Bug Fixes
  • PTCI-1608: Resolved an issue where Read Only was not being applied to Date fields.
  • PTCI-1607: Resolved an issue where Clear button was not clearing List selections.
  • PTCI-1565: Resolved an issue where the Sticky function was being overridden if an input mask is also applied to the field.
  • PTCI-1560: Resolved an issue where Default values were not working.
  • PTCI-1558: Resolved an issue where Required, Hidden, Read Only, Min and Max length were being overridden when an input mask is also applied to the index field.
  • PTCI-1554: Resolved an issue where the input mask applied to the date field was not accepting valid date values.
  • PTCI-1548: Resolved an issue where date values were not being saved when entered manually into a Date field.
  • PTCI-1547: Resolved an issue where the value of a Currency field could be removed after editing if the page is reloaded.
  • PTCI-1546: Resolved an issue where the last document in a queue was not being removed from the queue after saving.
  • PTCI-1545: Resolved an issue where the last document saved in a Document Queue remained visible after saving.
  • PTCI-1542: Resolved an issue where document file names were being displayed regardless of the Display Document File Name setting.
  • PTCI-1539: Resolved an issue where newly routed documents would not be displayed in a user queue when refreshing the queue.
  • PTCI-1538: Resolved an issue where a document could not be deleted after changing its Document Profile without refreshing the queue first.
  • PTCI-1537: Resolved an issue where the application could become unresponsive after removing all documents from a Document Queue.
  • PTCI-1531: Resolved an issue where errors could occur while uploading documents using the Fusion API.
  • PTCI-1530: Resolved an issue where a document's metadata would be cleared when changing the Document Profile.
  • PTCI-1525: Resolved an issue where the last document deleted in a queue would remain in the viewer after being deleted.
  • PTCI-1522: Resolved an issue where the currency field would not default to US format when locale is not found.
  • PTCI-1521: Resolved an issue where the Queue Filter would become inaccessible should a user Save or Delete all documents in their Personal or Team queue.
  • PTCI-1518: Resolved an issue where list configuration settings were not being maintained when column names contain space
  • PTCI-1516: Resolved an issue where the user was unable to set a Default Document Profile under User Settings.
  • PTCI-1515: Resolved an issue where a user was not being redirected to the login screen after their session was expired.
  • PTCI-1514: Resolved an issue where the Zoom tools where still available and functional while in Thumbnail view.
  • PTCI-1513: Resolved an issue where a List could not be connected to a valid Connection and Query.
  • PTCI-1512: Resolved an issue where lookup values were not being returned when the key field was mapped as a return index field.
  • PTCI-1511: Resolved an issue where saving documents from the Document Queue pane was slower than saving them from the Indexing pane.
  • PTCI-1510: Resolved an issue where Index Fields mapped to Lists were not displaying their Index Field name.
  • PTCI-1509: Resolved an issue where Lists could not be deleted.
  • PTCI-1508: Resolved an issue where a user was unable to delete additional pages from a document after deleting a page in thumbnail view.
  • PTCI-1506: Resolved an issue where an error would occur when attempting to create and save a new List.
  • PTCI-1503: Resolved an issue where the last index field was being skipped when navigating the Indexing pane with the Tab key.
  • PTCI-1502: Resolved an issue where certain UI controls were not highlighting when using the Tab key on the keyboard to navigate the UI.
  • PTCI-1501: Resolved an issue where Page Rotation was not being saved on thumbnail view.
  • PTCI-1500: Resolved an issue where combining documents could cause some index fields to become hidden from view.
  • PTCI-1499: Resolved an issue where the order of Index Fields was not being retained when editing a Document Profile.
  • PTCI-1498: Resolved an issue where user document queues would not display if Teams were enabled for the organization.
  • PTCI-1497: Resolved an issue where attempting to create a new Team within User Management would produce an error and fail.
  • PTCI-1496: Resolved an issue where users were unable to drag pages from one document to another.
  • PTCI-1495: Resolved an issue where users were unable to drag and drop pages within a document to reorder them.
  • PTCI-1493: Resolved an issue where metadata would be lost when combining documents.
  • PTCI-1492: Resolved an issue where the Save button was not enabled on the document queue when QA commands were enabled.
  • PTCI-1488: Resolved an issue where invalid documents could inadvertently be completed when using the CTRL-S keyboard shortcut to save documents from the queue.
  • PTCI-1487: Resolved an issue where an error could occur repeatedly when the CTRL-S shortcut was used in rapid succession when saving numerous documents.
  • PTCI-1484: Resolved an issue where an IO exception could occur on the Fusion server when attempting to Complete a document.
  • PTCI-1464: Resolved an issue where the Clear button was not properly clearing all values from all index fields.
  • PTCI-1463: Resolved an issue where date masking was not working for new input mask engine.
  • PTCI-1462: Resolved an issue where the system Administrator could get locked out if the number of assigned licenses exceeded the number of available licenses for the deployment.
  • PTCI-1461: Resolved an issue where PSIcapture Fusion would encounter an error attempting to load a list for which a Connection is not valid.
  • PTCI-1456: Resolved an issue where documents were not routing between team members.
  • PTCI-1452: Resolved an issue where the Administrator was unable to select another user's Queue for viewing.
  • PTCI-1450: Resolved an issue where the application could freeze when more than 15 users were logged in and saving documents at the same time.
  • PTCI-1447: Resolved an issue where the Save and Delete tools could become disabled after initially saving a document in the queue.
  • PTCI-1446: Resolved an issue where the zoom out tool would zoom too far on the first initial use.
  • PTCI-1445: Resolved an issue where the Save Page Rotation function was inconsistent.
  • PTCI-1440: Resolved an issue where selecting the Tab key was not triggering database lookups to occur.
  • PTCI-1439: Resolved an issue where users were unable to select the page image to drag and reorder pages or move them to other documents.
  • PTCI-1437: Resolved an issue where Document Queue tools were not functioning properly when documents in queue were selected.
  • PTCI-1436: Resolved an issue where lists were not populating if mapped to a database connection where spaces were present in the column name.
  • PTCI-1435: Resolved an issue where index fields mapped to a List were smaller than other index fields.
  • PTCI-1432: Resolved an issue where a user could zoom out on a document until it was no longer visible.
  • PTCI-1431: Resolved an issue on the Firefox browser where the panning function was not being released when a user would start to pan on a zoomed-in document.
  • PTCI-1429: Resolved an issue where a document's zoom level would be reset when attempting to enter index field values.
  • PTCI-1428: Removed the Enter key as an available hotkey for saving a document to prevent users from inadvertently saving documents.
  • PTCI-1427: Resolved an issue where the metadata XML files were not being created properly when indexing used a List.
  • PTCI-1426: Resolved an issue where an index field could not be mapped to both a list and a database lookup at the same time.
  • PTCI-1424: Resolved an issue where the initial zooming of a document would zoom in too far.
  • PTCI-1418: Resolved an issue where database lookups were not functioning properly if more than one lookup was defined.
  • PTCI-1409: Resolved an issue where Date/Time fields were not accepting input when user attempted correcting the value.
  • PTCI-1354: Resolved an issue where the "&" character as an input mask on an index field was being treated as required entry of a value.
  • PTCI-1336: Resolved an issue where invalid text or characters could be entered into fields of data type Currency, Decimal, or Number.
  • PTCI-1301: Resolved an issue where a user was not being alerted upon logging in if they were already logged into another session.
  • PTCI-1239: Resolved an issue where zoom controls were not working when using the Internet Explorer browser.
  • PTCI-1023: Resolved an issue where a user's session could be terminated before reaching the defined session timeout.
  • PTCI-853: Resolved an issue where documents with certain characters in the document title were not displaying properly in the Document Queue.


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