Product Compatibility Matrix


Thank you for using PSIGEN Software Inc.’s (“PSIGEN”) software products! PSIGEN is here to assist you in realizing the full potential of our powerful solutions.


This Product Compatibility Matrix (“Product Compatibility Matrix”) describes interoperability and compatibility between third party component versions and PSIGEN products. PSIGEN does not support the use of any PSIGEN products in conjunction with versions of software other than those listed here and does not support versions of third party software that are no longer supported themselves by the third party. PSIGEN also does not guarantee compatibility between different third party software platforms that might be listed here. Please consult the appropriate third party to confirm support to ensure compatibility.


Support is provided pursuant to the Supported Product’s End User License Agreement (“EULA”) and Cloud Services Agreement (“CSA”) (if applicable), the Product Support Commitment and any applicable distributor or reseller agreement. For more information, please see the Product Support Commitment.


PSIGEN products which are End-of-Life ("EOL") remain eligible for support but will not receive any upgrades or feature enhancements. PSIGEN products which are End-of-Support ("EOS") are no longer eligible for support and will not receive any updates, upgrades or feature enhancements. For more information, please see the Product Lifecycle Policy.




PSIcapture 7.7

PSIcapture 7.8

PSIcapture 7.9

Client Operating System      
Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit, all editions) (error) (error) (error)
Windows 10 (32-bit & 64-bit, all editions) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Server Operating System      
Windows Server Server 2008 R2 and earlier (error) (error) (error)
Windows Server 2012 (tick) (tick) (tick)
Windows Server 2012 R2 (tick) (tick) (tick)
Windows Server 2016 (tick) (tick) (tick)
Windows Server 2019 (tick) (tick) (tick)
Third-Party Dependencies - Database      
Microsoft SQL Server Express LocalDB 2016 and earlier (error) (error) (error)
Microsoft SQL Server Express LocalDB 2017 (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server Express LocalDB 2019 (error) (error) (error)
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (tick) (tick) (tick)
Third-Party Dependencies - Framework      
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.6.1 (tick) (tick) (tick)
Third-Party Integrations      
See PSIcapture Migrations* Link Link Link
Data Lookups Supported      

Delimited Text File

(tick) (tick) (tick)

Filebound & Filebound List (Versions 4 - 7)*

(tick) (tick) (tick)
IBM DB2* (tick) (tick) (tick)
IBM Informix Dynamic Server* (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft Access* (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SharePoint Choice Field, List, Person/Group, Term Set (Versions 2013 and newer, and Sharepoint Online)* (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server* (tick) (tick) (tick)
ODBC Compliant Database* (tick) (tick) (tick)
OpenLink Virtuoso Server* (tick) (tick) (tick)
Oracle* (tick) (tick) (tick)
Quickbooks Desktop Enterprise (Version 19-20)* (tick) (tick) (tick)
Xero* (tick) (tick) (tick)
Product Cross-Compatibility      
PSIcapture Fusion 3.2 (tick) (tick) (tick)
PSIcapture Mailroom 3.3 (tick) (tick) (tick)
PSIsafe 32-bit Desktop & Server 11.2.1 (tick) (tick) (tick)
PSIsafe 32-bit Desktop & Server 11.3 (tick) (tick) (tick)
PSIsafe Affinity API 1.0.12+ (tick) (tick) (tick)
Scripting Console (tick) (tick) (tick)
Application Programming Interface (API) (error) (error) (error)
Custom Application Development (error) (error) (error)

*Customer is responsible for ensuring compatibility between the PSIGEN product and the particular version of the third party software used by the customer in the specific system/environment that the customer intends to use the PSIGEN product in.

PSIcapture System Requirements

PSIcapture Fusion / Mailroom


PSIcapture Fusion 3.2

PSIcapture Mailroom 3.3

Client Browsers    
Google Chrome (tick) (tick)
Microsoft Edge (tick) (tick)
Apple Safari (tick) (tick)
Mozilla Firefox (tick) (error)
Server Operating System    
Windows Server Server 2008 R2 and earlier (error) (error)
Windows Server 2012 (tick) (tick)
Windows Server 2012 R2 (tick) (tick)
Windows Server 2016 (tick) (tick)
Windows Server 2019 (tick) (tick)
Third-Party Dependencies - Database    
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2012 (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2014 (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2016 (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2017 (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2019 (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (tick) (tick)
Third-Party Dependencies - Web Server    
Microsoft IIS 8.0 and earlier (error) (error) 
Microsoft IIS 8.5 (tick) (tick)
Microsoft IIS 10.0 (tick) (tick)
Third-Party Dependencies - Framework    
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.6.1 (tick) (tick)
Product Cross-Compatibility    
PSIcapture 7.7 (tick) (tick)
PSIcapture 7.8 (tick) (tick)
Scripting Console (error) (error)
Application Programming Interface (API) (tick) (tick)
Custom Application Development (tick) (tick)

*This product is compatible with PSIsafe 12 in a limited capacity.

PSIcapture Fusion System Requirements

PSIsafe Cloud


PSIsafe Cloud 10.4(deprecated)

PSIsafe Cloud 11.2

PSIsafe Cloud 11.3

PSIsafe Cloud 12.1

Client Operating System        
Windows 10 (32-bit & 64-bit, all editions) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Client Browser        
Google Chrome (tick) (tick) (tick) N/A
Mozilla Firefox (tick) (tick) (tick) N/A
Microsoft Internet Explorer (tick) (tick) (tick) N/A
Apple Safari (tick) (tick) (tick) N/A
Server Operating System N/A N/A N/A N/A
Third-Party Dependencies - Database N/A N/A N/A N/A
Third-Party Dependencies - Web Server N/A N/A N/A N/A
Third-Party Dependencies - Framework        
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.6.1 (tick) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Product Cross-Compatibility        
PSIsafe Desktop (32-bit) 11.2 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Open API & 64-bit Framework 11.2 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Web 11.0 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Books 11.2 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Synchronizer 11.0 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Desktop (32-bit) 11.3 (error) (error) (tick) (error)
PSIsafe Open API & 64-bit Framework 11.3 (error) (error) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe Web 11.3 (error) (error) (tick) (error)
PSIsafe Books 11.3 (error) (error) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe Synchronizer 11.3 (error) (error) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe Web Lite 12.1 (error) (error) (error) (tick)*
PSIsafe Desktop (32-bit) 12.1 (error) (error) (error) (tick)
PSIsafe Open API & 64-bit Framework 12.1 (error) (error) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe Mobile 3.0 for iOS (error) (error) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe Mobile 3.0 for Android (error) (error) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe DocuSign (integration) (error) (error) (error) (tick)
PSIsafe Share 1.0 (PSIGEN Cloud) (tick) (tick) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe Share 2.0 (PSIGEN Cloud) (error) (error) In Development In Development
Capture Cross-Compatibility        
PSIcapture 7.7 (tick) (tick)  (error) (error)
PSIcapture 7.8 (tick) (tick) (tick) (tick)
PSIsafe PDF Forms Monitor 10.3 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe PDF Forms Monitor 11.3 (error) (error) (tick)* (tick)*
PSIsafe CSV-TXT Migration Module 10.3 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe SQL Migration Module 10.3 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Windows File Monitor 10.3 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Windows Import Utility 10.3 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
Scripting Console (error) (error) (error) (error)
Application Programming Interface (API)(2) (error) (error) (tick) (tick)

Custom Application Development(2)

(error) (error) (tick) (tick)

(2)(self-hosted private cloud recommended)

10.4 PSIsafe clients may experience issues with Windows 10 Environments. You may need to update your PSIsafe client to version 11.2 and above to circumvent Operating System issues.

*This product is compatible with PSIsafe 12 in a limited capacity.

PSIsafe 11 System Requirements

PSIsafe 12 System Requirements

PSIsafe Interoperability Matrix

PSIsafe On-Premises


PSIsafe  10.4(deprecated)

PSIsafe  11.2

PSIsafe  11.3

PSIsafe  12.1

Client Operating System        
Windows 10 (32-bit & 64-bit, all editions) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Client Browser        
Google Chrome (tick) (tick) (tick) N/A
Mozilla Firefox (tick) (tick) (tick) N/A
Microsoft Edge (tick) (tick) (tick) N/A
Apple Safari (tick) (tick) (tick) N/A
Server Operating System        
Windows Server Server 2008 R2 and earlier (error) (error) (error) (error)
Windows Server 2012(3) (tick) (tick) (tick) (error)
Windows Server 2012 R2(3) (tick) (tick) (tick) (error)
Windows Server 2016(3) (error) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Windows Server 2019(3) (error) (tick) (tick) (tick)

(3)Domain controllers are not supported.

10.4 PSIsafe clients may experience issues with Windows 10 Environments. You may need to update your PSIsafe client to version 11.2 and above to circumvent Operating System issues.

Third-Party Dependencies - Database        
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2012 SP2 and earlier(4)
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2012 SP3+ (tick) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2014 (error) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2016 (error) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2017 (error) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2019 (error) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP2 and earlier(4)
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP3+ (tick) (tick)  (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (error) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (error) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (error) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (error) (tick) (tick) (tick)
(4)You may encounter slower Batch Capture filing when using SQL Server 2012/ SQL Server Express 2012 SP2 and earlier.
Microsoft IIS 8.0 and earlier (error)  (error)  (error)   (error)
Microsoft IIS 8.5 (tick) (tick) (tick) N/A
Microsoft IIS 10.0  (tick) (tick) (tick) N/A
Third-Party Dependencies - Framework        
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.6.1 (tick) (tick) (tick) (tick)
Product Cross-Compatibility        
PSIsafe Desktop (32-bit) 11.2 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Open API & 64-bit Framework 11.2 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Web 11.0 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Books 11.2 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Synchronizer 11.0 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Desktop (32-bit) 11.3 (error) (error) (tick) (error)
PSIsafe Open API & 64-bit Framework 11.3 (error) (error) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe Web 11.3 (error) (error) (tick) (error)
PSIsafe Books 11.3 (error) (error) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe Synchronizer 11.3 (error) (error) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe Desktop (32-bit) 12.1 (error) (error) (error) (tick)
PSIsafe Open API & 64-bit Framework 12.1 (error) (error) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe Mobile 3.0 for iOS (error) (error) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe Mobile 3.0 for Android (error) (error) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe DocuSign (integration) (error) (error) (error) (tick)
PSIsafe Share 1.0 (PSIGEN Cloud) (tick) (tick) (tick)  (tick)*
PSIsafe Share 2.0 (PSIGEN Cloud) (error) (error) In Development In Development
PSIsafe Web Filer 11.0 (custom) (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
Capture Cross-Compatibility        
PSIcapture 7.7 (tick) (tick) (tick) (tick)
PSIcapture 7.8 (tick) (tick) (tick) (tick)
PSIsafe PDF Forms Monitor 10.3 (tick) (tick) (error) (error) 
PSIsafe PDF Forms Monitor 11.3 (error) (error) (tick) (tick)
PSIsafe CSV-TXT Migration Module 10.3 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe SQL Migration Module 10.3 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Windows File Monitor 10.3 (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
PSIsafe Windows Import Utility 10.3  (tick) (tick) (error) (error)
Scripting Console (error) (error) (error) (error)
Application Programming Interface (API) (tick) (tick) (tick) (tick)

Custom Application Development

(tick) (tick) (tick) (tick)

PSIsafe 11 System Requirements

PSIsafe 12 System Requirements

PSIsafe Interoperability Matrix

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